I have just begun on your lovely BookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy the third time. It is a companion to me at all times, it shortens my long trips, and consoles me when from home and among strangers. It is by far the best religious work I have ever seen, and gives me a more satisfactory understanding of Christ’s words & Scripture generallyAs Written:gen.
The object of this letter is to say the papers and circulars given to me for distribution by one of you students, at your residenceAs Written:res. two weeks ago, have been all used to the best advantage that I know the last five I distributed among Ministers here – have I done right? I generally carry one in my pocket for anyoneAs Written:any one which I may meet. I wish I knew more of it for I love to talk it and cannot help but talk though I know I must often talk too much
Tomorrow or the next day I start for Louisville KentuckyAs Written:Ky next to Cincinnati, OhioAs Written:Cin. O. remaining a day or two in each place, finally Baltimore MarylandAs Written:Md. where I will remain about one month.
If you would like me to distribute more papers or circulars I would be glad of the honor.
I find very few that will take hold, but rather use all argument against it – and all they can say against it seems so weak – and unfair, that it but strengthens me in the belief and love of the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. The argument of persons with much more learning and intelligence than I have, seem but foolishness – I find none to reason with a cool mind against it, but always fly into a great excitement – But thank God We have taken it up – help us that we may not lose it, for we are your babes you are our Mother. The prophet of God–excuse me if I am wrong, but I can'tAs Written:cant help it. I must speak what I feel –
That I may not cause you to lose valuable time I will close this letter by saying that if you think worthwhileAs Written:worth while to send more specimens et ceteraAs Written:&c -
Carrollton House
Baltimore MarylandAs Written:Md.