Accession: 529.57.007
Editorial Title: George F. Chapman to Mary Baker Eddy, September 28, 1885
Author: George F. Chapman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: September 28, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by George F. Chapman on lined printed stationery of Sherman House from Boston, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

You will please pardon the writer in annoying you so much. Still if you knew how much was pending upon an interview with you I feel you would gladly say come. I am partially As Written: parcially at sea in a few things that I would not dare mention to anyoneAs Written:any one except you. I also have a letter which I have written to a Baptist DeaconAs Written:Dea which I wish you to read and if considered expedient by you will mail him. I shall be at #163. Tremont st this cityEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts during the forenoonAs Written:forenoone. Must leave at noon on important business therefore if convenient I shall consider it a great favor to receive your counsel. And I trust it will not detain you but a short time. Allow me to pay the expense of message. Trusting this will not cause you too much inconvenience As Written: inconvenients I remain

Yours in Christ.
G. F. Chapman.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

You will please pardon the writer in annoying you so much. Still if you knew how much was pending upon an interview with you I feel you would gladly say come. I am parcially Corrected: partially at sea in a few things that I would not dare mention to any oneCorrected:anyone except you. I also have a letter which I have written to a Baptist DeaExpanded:Deacon which I wish you to read and if considered expedient by you will mail him. I shall be at #163. Tremont st this cityEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts during the forenooneCorrected:forenoon. Must leave at noon on important business therefore if convenient I shall consider it a great favor to receive your counsel. And I trust it will not detain you but a short time. Allow me to pay the expense of message. Trusting this will not cause you too much inconvenients Corrected: inconvenience I remain

Yours in Christ.
G. F. Chapman.
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Boston, Massachusetts