Accession: 534.57.009
Editorial Title: Barrett A. Cox to Mary Baker Eddy, December 18, 1883
Author: Barrett A. Cox 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 18, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Barrett A. Cox on embossed lined paper from Pittston, Maine.
Editorial Note: Cox has received a letter (not extant) from Mary Baker Eddy, dated December 17, 1883. In it, she invited him to attend her class that is to open later in the month. He regrets that he cannot accept her invitation due to his duties as an employee of the Gardiner and Pittston Bridge Company. He hopes by spring to be able to resign from the company and then devote his time to Christian Science. He reports on people he'd mentioned in a previous letter to Eddy (see 534.57.008). Peter G. Bradstreet is continuing to improve as he continues receiving Christian Science treatment through prayer. Alice B. Poole continues to have success as a Christian Science practitioner. New Hampshire Governor, Samuel Whitney Hale, is interested in having Christian Science treatment from Poole for dyspepsia and Cox believes if he is benefited, it will start an interest in Christian Science in New Hampshire. Cox has not yet heard from Eddy if she will come during the winter to the Gardiner/Pittston area of Maine to give a lecture. He hopes she will come as he feels that the effect of the lecture will be to spread Christian Science there much faster.
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