Accession: 545.58.018
Editorial Title: Emma Gray to Mary Baker Eddy, December 3, 1884
Author: Emma Gray 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 3, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Emma Gray on lined paper from Washington, D.C.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs Eddy:

I have receivedAs Written:recd your two lettersEditorial Note: These letters are not extant., & the pamphlet by Kate TaylorEditorial Note: Selfhood Lost in Godhood, I was surprised to learn that there As Written: their had been any recreants in our class.

As to your coming here, nothing wouldAs Written:wd delight me more than to have you: but I do not like to take the responsibility of deciding, because the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science is entirely unknown here, and I do not know as you couldAs Written:cd get an audience, But if you came here, to the Riggs houseEditorial Note: The Riggs House was an elegant hotel managed by Caleb W. Spofford, which was frequented by some high-profile figures of the time, such as Presidents Garfield and Harrison, and women's suffragists, such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Mrs. Spofford is very kind & helpful to women, and you might, if you interested her, get a private audience in the parlors there to begin with, and make the matter a little know, & then lecture in public afterward. The lady that James Freeman Clark sent south to treat a friend of his, stopped at the Riggs and had quite a reception both going & returning: so they have heard of it there, & you might be very successful. I have tried to get some pupils for you, but they all draw back at the price, so that I can promise you nothing in that line.

If Miss Bartlett came with you & shouldAs Written:shd perform some remarkable cures, of course that wouldAs Written:wd have much greater weight than argument, I wish you both wouldAs Written:wd come, but it wouldAs Written:wd be experimental, for I find the people exceeding incredulous, and no one believes it, but those I have benefitedAs Written:benefitted, Still it is missionary work, and you might do a great deal of good by coming. I thought I wouldAs Written:wd tell you exactly how things are, & then you couldAs Written:cd decide for yourself what was best to be done.

It wouldAs Written:wd be a great comfort to me, to have Miss Bartlett here for the winter, but it wouldAs Written:wd be uphill As Written: up hill work for awhile, until she made a reputation, We are so far away from Boston, that Metaphysics are unknown, except to the few I have come in contact with, If she wouldAs Written:wd be willing to come on her own responsibility as she wouldAs Written:wd go to any new place, I shouldAs Written:shd be delighted to have her, & wouldAs Written:wd do everything As Written: every thing in my power to help, and introduce her. By the way, since there are no Metaphysicians in New YorkAs Written:N. York. My friends are in despair about their brother and as he cannot leave his business to be treated here, I told them I wouldAs Written:wd ask Miss Bartlett if she wd take him, as I have had no experience in treating at a distance and did not like to try

Of course I know how busy Miss B. is, but if she can possibly take him I wish she wouldAs Written:wd let me know at once, as they are so anxious about him.

Hoping to hear from you soon, & that you both will come I am

Sincerely yours
S. E. Gray.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs Eddy:

I have recdExpanded:received your two lettersEditorial Note: These letters are not extant., & the pamphlet by Kate TaylorEditorial Note: Selfhood Lost in Godhood, I was surprised to learn that their Corrected: there had been any recreants in our class.

As to your coming here, nothing wdExpanded:would delight me more than to have you: but I do not like to take the responsibility of deciding, because the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science is entirely unknown here, and I do not know as you cdExpanded:could get an audience, But if you came here, to the Riggs houseEditorial Note: The Riggs House was an elegant hotel managed by Caleb W. Spofford, which was frequented by some high-profile figures of the time, such as Presidents Garfield and Harrison, and women's suffragists, such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Mrs. Spofford is very kind & helpful to women, and you might, if you interested her, get a private audience in the parlors there to begin with, and make the matter a little know, & then lecture in public afterward. The lady that James Freeman Clark sent south to treat a friend of his, stopped at the Riggs and had quite a reception both going & returning: so they have heard of it there, & you might be very successful. I have tried to get some pupils for you, but they all draw back at the price, so that I can promise you nothing in that line.

If Miss Bartlett came with you & shdExpanded:should perform some remarkable cures, of course that wdExpanded:would have much greater weight than argument, I wish you both wdExpanded:would come, but it wdExpanded:would be experimental, for I find the people exceeding incredulous, and no one believes it, but those I have benefittedCorrected:benefited, Still it is missionary work, and you might do a great deal of good by coming. I thought I wdExpanded:would tell you exactly how things are, & then you cdExpanded:could decide for yourself what was best to be done.

It wdExpanded:would be a great comfort to me, to have Miss Bartlett here for the winter, but it wdExpanded:would be up hill Corrected: uphill work for awhile, until she made a reputation, We are so far away from Boston, that Metaphysics are unknown, except to the few I have come in contact with, If she wdExpanded:would be willing to come on her own responsibility as she wdExpanded:would go to any new place, I shdExpanded:should be delighted to have her, & wdExpanded:would do every thing Corrected: everything in my power to help, and introduce her. By the way, since there are no Metaphysicians in N. YorkExpanded:New York. My friends are in despair about their brother and as he cannot leave his business to be treated here, I told them I wdExpanded:would ask Miss Bartlett if she wd take him, as I have had no experience in treating at a distance and did not like to try take him

Of course I know how busy Miss B. is, but if she can possibly take him I wish she wdExpanded:would let me know at once, as they are so anxious about him.

Hoping to hear from you soon, & that you both will come I am

Sincerely yours
S. E. Gray.
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These letters are not extant. Selfhood Lost in Godhood Christian Science The Riggs House was an elegant hotel managed by Caleb W. Spofford, which was frequented by some high-profile figures of the time, such as Presidents Garfield and Harrison, and women's suffragists, such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.