Accession: 563.59.003
Editorial Title: C. F. Morrill to Mary Baker Eddy, March 28, 1884
Author: C. F. Morrill 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: March 28, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by C. F. Morrill on embossed lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Archival Note: This document includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans. Apr 3
Mrs. M. B. G. Eddy
President Metaphysical CollegeAs Written:Colge
Boston Mass.
Dear Madam;

By your kindness in referring me to Dr. S. J. Sawyer of Milwaukee I have been led to a very happy and profitable correspondence with that worthy gentleman. I say profitable because the spiritual tone of his letters has shown me an indication of the precious things in store for the earnest, consecrated “Metaphysician” who is a humble seeker after the “Truth” for its own sake, and not for Selfishness or Selfish purposes alone.

A few remarks of Dr. S. lead me to ask you a question of vital importance to myself and others and equally so to the cause of “Truth” in Chicago and vicinity.

When the ShermansEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman and Roger Sherman return are they prepared and authorized to teach the “Science”Editorial Note: Christian Science understandingly?

For one I have withdrawn from Christian work in the “Sunday School” line to devote my life to this work and the only thing that has prevented my coming to Boston long ago was money, and I shall not rest until in some way I have the whole truth

I hope you will not fail to answer the above question by return mail – be it ever so briefly. I expect a visit from Dr Sawyer next week and hope for an answer before he comes

In case the above question is answered in the negative Can Dr. S. fill the place of “Teacher”?

To one who cannot As Written:can not see the way open to go to Boston these questions are very vital especially when one has thrown themselves into the work as I have done.

I was sorry you did not answer my last letter as I might have possibly found away to have come had the sum not been too As Written: to great. I wish I had known Dr. S. earlier but from a dislike to intrude myself upon a stranger I put it off for weeks. Feeling impressed one day to write anyway I did so with the above result. Wishing you great success for the “Master”Editorial Note: Jesus Christ and kind regards from myself & wife I am

Yours for the truth.
C. F. Morrill.
79 Dearborn St.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAns.Expanded:Answered Apr 3
Mrs. M. B. G. Eddy
President Metaphysical ColgeCorrected:College
Boston Mass.
Dear Madam;

By your kindness in referring me to Dr. S. J. Sawyer of Milwaukee I have been led to a very happy and profitable correspondence with that worthy gentleman. I say profitable because the spiritual tone of his letters has shown me an indication of the precious things in store for the earnest, humble consecrated “Metaphysician” who is a humble seeker after the “Truth” for its own sake, and not for Selfishness or Selfish purposes alone.

A few remarks of Dr. S. lead me to ask of you a question of vital importance to myself and others and of equally so to the cause of “Truth” in Chicago and vicinity.

When the ShermansEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman and Roger Sherman return are they prepared and authorized to teach the “Science”Editorial Note: Christian Science understandingly?

For one I have withdrawn from Christian work in the “Sunday School” work line to devote my life to this work and the only thing that has prevented my coming to Boston long ago was money, and I shall not rest until in some way I have the whole truth

I hope you will not fail to answer the above question by return mail – be it ever so briefly. I expect a visit from Dr Sawyer next week and hope for an answer before he comes

In case the above question is in answered in the negative Can Dr. S. fill the place of “Teacher”?

To one who can not Corrected: cannot see the way open to go to Boston these questions are very vital especially when one has thrown themselves into the work as I have done.

I was sorry you did not answer my last letter as I might have possibly found away to have come had the sum not been to Corrected: too great. I wish I had known Dr. S. earlier but from a dislike to intrude up myself upon a stranger I put it off for weeks. Feeling impressed one day to write anyway I did so with the above result. Wishing you great success for the “Master”Editorial Note: Jesus Christ and kind regards from myself & wife I am

Yours for the truth.
C. F. Morrill.
79 Dearborn St.
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Bradford Sherman and Roger Sherman Christian Science Jesus Christ