⇉ Handshift:Janette E. WellerLittleton New HampshireAs Written:N.H.
Aug. 4 1884
If you don’t As Written: dont recognize me by my signature, please call to mind the two ladies who called at 571 last May and who so much desired to see you that you involuntarily left your work and came down and waited till we came in. Well, my zeal in Christian Science has not abated in the least although my husband is a druggist, and I shall certainly study it soon. But to business.
Yesterday I saw Dr. Bowles of the Sunset Hill HouseEditorial Note: The Sunset Hill House in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire, was a grand resort hotel, built in 1880, that commanded a view of the White Mountains. A portion of it remains today as The Inn at Sunset Hill. (who is one of Miss Bartletts patients) and had a long talk with him; he is improving and is very enthusiastic, yet he feels sure he would gain much faster if he would see her, and he will go to Boston soon unless you will come to the Sunset Hill House. I remember that you said to me, “Why wouldn’t the MountainsAs Written:Mts. be a nice place to spend my vacation?” So I told the Dr. and he asked me to write you and give you a most cordial and heartfelt urgent invitation to come, right there and he will see that you visit every point of interest in the region free of all expense: He and a cousin of mine are the proprietors of Sunset Hill House and it is the most popular house in the region, but not the most fashionable resort. Bishop Paddock and family have been there several years, and the house is filled with that class of people, and they are rooming out 35, but the Dr. says you shall have his room, and he will look out for himself. It is certainly one of the most delightful spots on earth, and everything is perfectly nice and quiet: There are a few guests who know the wonders of the Mind Cure and have given the Dr. many encouraging words. Now please write me a line immediately in regard to this matter, and I am to telephone your decision to him.