Chicago IllinoisAs Written:Ills. July 18 – 84
It is perhaps well for me to follow my promptings to commune with you in this way. My class is in lovely harmony and beauty of spirit. I have some 27 students. beside an average of 8 or 10 each night of varying ones allowed to come a time or two to hear. I could report many items that would interest you but not best to try too much. so will say. I have a truly fine & intelligent class. three lawyers. Three MD’s several members of various churches. Several ex Quakers [*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript.
All my class are well unfolded spiritually. Several Mediums belong & I can tell you with Joy they have renounced Mediumship & give no sittings now. only as they tell to anxious As Written: ancious ones the fullness of the new higher truths. or they are true & tell all it is not to be unfounded with Spiritualism or Mediumship. good & no new class I teach can hear me lower the standard. [*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript.
They must come up if we harmonize. I have an ally from Milwaukee who will be a power. but a most noble soul is BrotherAs Written:Br. M J McClelland. foreman of the Partridge House. State st. near the Field Leiter. Partridge’s dry goods. He read your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. last winter. What a true man he is. He has done much good & healed a fair number. One by Telephone as he told them the child would be “well in thirty minutes” & so it was. His wife is a member also & nice. I have had a good number of patients & so has my wife & best of results attend.
One item of interest was an MD. graduate & his good wife brought a businessman As Written: business man to my class one eveningAs Written:eve. who several doctors As Written: Drs. had given up as incurable & the evening As Written: eve he first came he would not rise from his chair when I asked him to take another seat. In the midst of my lesson I was led to go to him & take him by the hand & tell him to take chair as I saw he was to be cured. The next meeting he also came & none of us knew him at first he acted so well & sprightly. Now he is Joyous & his wife comes & really we are all blessed & happy.
If you feel like writing BrotherAs Written:Br. McClelland do so & make any enquiries you wish. I feel it will be attended with good. I have not & shall not intimate such a thought to him but leave him free. All my students love him. he is so transparent. & says he is “nothing.” He see only Brothers. I wish you could be in hearing at my class when none of us knew it & judge of the true conformity of teaching to your systemEditorial Note: Christian Science. I have nearly mastered your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.. but after all it is the oneness with or in God. the understanding that All is Spirit. & then to know what we say & that all means all. Matter is not only in name & then misnamed. & I am getting them to see this. The Tea kettle does not boil. the Sun does not rise or set only as error says so. Perhaps I better write a brief article & send you for insertion in Journal or better possibly in another paper.
Later – I have written as I see it & you can use it as you deem best. or return it to me. I never was or would be a mere Spiritualist. yet I attended many & all kinds of séances As Written: seances & investigated closely & honestly. [*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript.
I do not allow Mediumship or its cohorts dragged As Written: draged into the Metaphysics taught in my class. Nor does my wife allow it or its votaries talked in our house. [*]Editorial Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript.
I am glad of this & now she is a sworn advocate of the truth as you see & stand in it. She is a clear teacher & time may show you.
I do not pay any attention to the members of your class here as they allowed BrotherAs Written:Br. Morrill to lead them & they met a couple of times & Jangled & quit. We have no time to squander on such as he so entangled in the brush. The bright Church members of my class now at the 6th & 7th lesson say right out it has all come clear as a sunbeam As Written: sun beam that all is Mind & that there is no matter & they have surrendered the personal God.
I have a call to Dubuque Iowa to teach a class & shall perhaps respond some time in full. If I go there & the Editress res. there gets up the class they will be such as are able to visit your college afterwards & they will have means & as she is liberal they will be of the hopeful soil.
19th I just received the “TravelerEditorial Note: Boston Traveler” with article by Bushwell. Thanks.
I felt a little alienated from you when you refused to reply to me about “Journal” to my students. or to send Curriculum As Written: Cariculem I would like it. I asked if any discount on Journal to an agent – A paper in this interest can easily be started in ChicagoAs Written:Chic. Some of my students may go to take your lessons in Obstetric.
I enclose 50 ctsEditorial Note: $.50 in 1884 is the equivalent of $13.84 in 2017. in stamps for which please send me the teacher’s As Written: teachers book. like you used – the chapters on Recapitulation. Wishing you abundant success