Accession: 593A.61.019
Editorial Title: Russell H. Conwell to Mary Baker Eddy, February 20, 1879
Author: Russell H. Conwell 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: February 20, 1879
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Russell H. Conwell on stationery of the Law Office of Russell H. Conwell from Boston, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Conwell has received a letter (not extant) from Mary Baker Eddy, handed to him by Asa Gilbert Eddy. He says that he did not read the letter until it was too late to send an answer back by Asa Gilbert Eddy. He writes that Mary Baker Eddy's letter contains insinuations that he had been hired to prosecute James L. Sargent and Daniel H. Spofford, and that this is not correct. The fact is that he was paid to defend Asa Gilbert Eddy and Edward J. Arens. He has expended a great deal of effort in defending them, has carried the case to a successful conclusion, and is finished with it. In trying to please the Eddys, he has spent enough time on this one case that he could have spent trying a dozen cases. If he decides to do anything else, it will be just as he pleases and when he pleases. From now on he will not follow other peoples' advice, but if they work with him, they must follow his. In a postscript, Conwell says he has heard that Mary Baker Eddy asked the Boston Herald how much they paid him. He adds that he would never take money in that way, and that if Eddy actually did this (which he doubts), he regards it as a gross insult.
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