Accession: 593A.61.043
Editorial Title: Matilda Hindman to Mary Baker Eddy, October 26, 1876
Author: Matilda Hindman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 26, 1876
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Matilda Hindman on the stationery of the office of The Woman's Journal.
Archival Note: Hindman is replying to a note from Mary Baker Eddy dated October 23, 1876. This note is not extant. The Woman's Journal (1870-1931) was a weekly women's rights newspaper that was published every Saturday in Boston and Chicago.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Madam

In answer to your note of the 23d permit me to say it I was indeed very glad to hear that you not only approve of the principles you heard discussed in LynnEditorial Note: Eddy apparently had recently attended an informational meeting in Lynn, Massachusetts, about women's suffrage activities. (To read an account of this meeting, see "Lynn Rally", Woman's Journal, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Vol.7, no.44, October 28, 1876: Click Here). the 19th instanceAs Written:inst. but that you are willing to work for their advancement.

If it were possible for me to visit you at your home No. 8. Broad, St. Lynn before the 7th of November I would be most happy to do so, but I fear my arrangements will not permit. You are perhaps not aware that my time is not my own, that meetings for nearly every night are to be held at which I must be in attendance. If any of these should bring me near to Lynn I will call. At present I do not know where I will be next week. This week I will be in Middleton Thursday (tonightAs Written:to night) North Reading Friday and Danvers Saturday night.

If you could write me at Danvers perhaps we could arrange a meeting.

Yours truly
Matilda Hindman
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Madam

In answer to your note of the 23d permit me to say it I was indeed very glad to hear that you not only approve of the principles you heard discussed in LynnEditorial Note: Eddy apparently had recently attended an informational meeting in Lynn, Massachusetts, about women's suffrage activities. (To read an account of this meeting, see "Lynn Rally", Woman's Journal, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Vol.7, no.44, October 28, 1876: Click Here). the 19th inst.Expanded:instance but that you are willing to work for their advancement.

If it were possible for me to visit you at your home No. 8. Broad, St. Lynn before the 7th of November I would be most happy to do so, but I fear my arrangements will not permit. You are perhaps not aware that my time is not my own, that meetings for nearly every night are to be held at which I must be in attendance. If any of these should bring me near to Lynn I will call. At present I do not know where I will be next week. This week I will be in Middleton Thursday (to nightCorrected:tonight) North Reading Friday and Danvers Saturday night.

If you could write me at Danvers perhaps we could arrange a meeting.

Yours truly
Matilda Hindman
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Eddy apparently had recently attended an informational meeting in Lynn, Massachusetts, about women's suffrage activities. (To read an account of this meeting, see "Lynn Rally", Woman's Journal, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Vol.7, no.44, October 28, 1876: Click Here).