Accession: 593A.61.048
Editorial Title: Henry C. Houghton to Mary Baker Eddy, November 1, 1877
Author: Henry C. Houghton 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 1, 1877
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Henry C. Houghton, MD, on the stationery of the New York Ophthalmic Hospital for Eye and Ear. Houghton is identified on the stationery as an Aural Surgeon.
Editorial Note: Houghton received a letter from Mary Baker Eddy (her letter is not extant) that apparently is a reply to his letter to her of October 26, 1877 (593A.61.047). He is discouraged over prices, possibly for Christian Science class instruction, and says he would pay to borrow her book, Science and Health, or manuscripts about Christian Science for a few days so he can try out applying the principles of Christian Science. He says that if he is able to cure the sick through applying the teachings in Science and Health or her manuscripts, perhaps he could pay her in that way. He responds to a question about his health that she apparently asked him and mentions having an abscess.
Related Topic: 593A.61.046Click link to view 593A.61.046 document in new window, 593A.61.047Click link to view 593A.61.047 document in new window
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