Accession: 593A.61.052
Editorial Title: Anna I. Kingsbury to Mary Baker Eddy, June 6, 1881
Author: Anna I. Kingsbury 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 6, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Anna I. Kingsbury on lined paper from Custer City, Pennsylvania.
Editorial Note: Kingsbury is responding to a letter from Eddy (L08740), requesting that she sign an enclosed oath, which she is sending to her students. Kingsbury is returning it, signed, and mentions that her husband has also signed. She writes that she did not get on very well after returning home from class at first, but now she finds that she is getting along better with more courage and less fear. She writes that sometimes she gets bewildered, but she is working to gain the understanding and "to walk in the light of it."
Related Topic: L08740Click link to view L08740 document in new window, L09059Click link to view L09059 document in new window
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