Accession: 639P3.65.025
Editorial Title: Hanover P. Smith to Mary Baker Eddy, July 25, 1884
Author: Hanover P. Smith 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: July 25, 1884
Manuscript Description: Incomplete letter likely handwritten by Hanover P. Smith on lined paper from Saratoga Springs, New York.
Archival Note: The end of this letter, which would include the author signature, is missing. However, based on the contents of the letter and the handwriting, it appears to be a letter from Hanover P. Smith.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

It was now been 25 days As Written: day since I left you, and I feel as though I ought to write you, I am having As Written: haveing some practiceEditorial Note: The practice of Christian Science healing., but it takes time to get introduced and my friend here don’t have enough to say on the Subject the laws of this state are very strict As Written: strick with doctors and this place has town law where every physician of any kind has to register As Written: regester his name So to keep out Charlatans As Written: Charletons this place was flooded with them before. I asked a resident doctor what he thought of the Mind Cure, he seemed to think that was the only way to cure some cases

He said he did not think they would interfere As Written: interfear with me if I did not practice medicine. but he added I would have to stand my chance. another one said If I had a diploma from the school from which I studied that was recognized by the state, there would be no trouble he thought. Don’t As Written: Dont you think that I better have a Diploma? it might save me a great deal of trouble (That is if you feel that I deserve one) I think it was just three years ago the 17th of May that I studiedEditorial Note: Three years ago would be May 1881, but records show that Smith actually went through class in May 1880. so please date it back showing the three years of practice so it won’t As Written: wont conflict with my story when I say I have been in practice most four years, this will include the degree (C.M.) if you choose As Written: chose to give it. I received the papers the TravelerEditorial Note: Boston Traveler article please accept As Written: except thank for the same, it helped me very much

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

It was now been 25 day Corrected: days since I left you, and I feel as though I ought to write you, I am haveing Corrected: having some practiceEditorial Note: The practice of Christian Science healing., but it takes time to get introduced and my friend here don’t have enough to say on the Subject the laws of this state are very strick Corrected: strict with doctors and this place has town law where every physician of any kind has to regester Corrected: register his name I aske So to keep out Charletons Corrected: Charlatans of this place was flooded with them before. I asked a resident doctor what he thought of the Mind Cure, he seemed to think that was the only way to cure some cases

He said he did not think they would interfear Corrected: interfere with me if I did not practice medicine. but he added I would have to stand my chance. another one said If I had a diploma from the school from which I studied that was recognized by the state, there would be no trouble he thought. Dont Corrected: Don’t you think that I better have a Diploma? it might save me a great deal of trouble (That is if you feel that I deserve one) I think it was just three years ago the 17th of May that I studiedEditorial Note: Three years ago would be May 1881, but records show that Smith actually went through class in May 1880. so please date it back showing the three years of practice so it wont Corrected: won’t conflict with my story when I say I have been in practice most four years, this will include the degree (C.M.) if you chose Corrected: choose to give it. I received the papers the TravelerEditorial Note: Boston Traveler article please except Corrected: accept thank for the same, it helped me very much

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The practice of Christian Science healing. Three years ago would be May 1881, but records show that Smith actually went through class in May 1880. Boston Traveler