Your favor of the 23dEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. inst Came to hand this morning and. as I could not answer it at LynnEditorial Note: Lynn, Massachusetts as business called me here I take this time so to do. I am glad you arrived at TiltonEditorial Note: Tilton, New Hampshire Safe. Sorry you had to go. but hope nothing will occur to mar your happiness while there.. I was very much worried and alarmed by not hearing from you on Wednesday and I went by the. Crib on South C. St three times in the PM, and Evening but seeing no Light concluded you had gone away I thought of you all day and as I lay in bed awake in the morning I wondered where you were and thought over the. plot of the Two desperadoesEditorial Note: Richard Kennedy and Wallace W. Wright who thought to. Slay thee. I think when Eeither of them meet me face to face I shall be tempted to lift them to the other Side of the street. Although I think 'twould As Written: twould be best not to speak or look at the Skulks. I have not as yet shown the Letters to Howland but will soon as I get an opportunity I read them to Geo Barry. and He fully concurred with us that we had beaten them. Geo has removed most of the Pictures as He told me and while there Dick open the door with a key unlocked it and peeked in [*]Archival Note: Mary Baker Eddy has inserted brackets in pencil at this point in the document. I told George to take your Saratoga Trunk to His House as I think your telling Wright you had such agreements with Kenedys name signed to them may have set Kenedy to looking for them and to avoid His finding anything As Written: any thing of the kind I think it would be well to get them out of [*]Archival Note: Mary Baker Eddy has inserted brackets in pencil at this point in the document. His way as He would force the Trunk if He thought they were there. They are at work I suppose and may come out with another Plot but They must beware or next time something As Written: some thing stronger than letters. will be had to condemn them! They may be quiet seeing that they are beaten, but enough of this.. I have not as yet got a House although I have found one that I think will suit me. only it is at west Lynn on Mall st. French Roof for one family no more I saw a place on Cherry st corner of Nichols st near Mrs Rice's I would have bought if I had known of it in time but I was too late I felt awful As Written: auful sorry I did not get it. I shall know fully after Monday next Just what I shall do and will write you all about it be as quie t as you can till then As Written: them Dear Mary and get that rest you so much need so you will look like yourself and be yourself again when you come back.. I would like you to write me how you are et ceteraAs Written:&c. and if you still continue to think you will come and live with us in quiet as we have talked. and. if such Things as D. &. W darken the door They will receive such admonition as their As Written: thire sinning souls deserve. But I must say goodbye As Written: good bye for now mary. Keep up a good heart Don't As Written: Dont get discouraged but don't As Written: dont let anybody As Written: amy body get your name or such to paper while at Home. as this influence may reach you there in the shape of some lickspittle As Written: lick spittle of theirs So- be wary: & as I have said before I will, "Do right and fear not"Editorial Note: “Do right and fear not” was a popular motto at the time, which Mary Baker displayed in her homes in Lynn, Massachusetts and Concord, New Hampshire, and in the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. and will drop you a line as soon as Monday As Written: Mon day is over Let me hear from you, soon, and. believe me as ever-
I send letter which George found at 29 S. C. St