Accession: 643A.66.024
Editorial Title: Margaretta E. Beaton to Mary Baker Eddy, May 3, 1886
Author: Margaretta E. Beaton 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 3, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Margaretta E. Beaton on embossed lined paper from Oskaloosa, Iowa.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

From Iowa to Massachusetts my arms stretch out to you, with a feeling that I have found something, for which the spirit has long yearned; viz- that there is someoneAs Written:some one who knows of a power to heal, beyond drugs and magnetism Weary of these I have longed for more reliable means; and have often felt, there was a power to heal more real somewhere if I could only unveil it.

Would that it were in my power to receive benefit from you, and also that I had means to avail myself of a collegiate course, that I might benefit others. Ever present with me has been this desire to benefit the suffering ones of earth.

On looking over the cards in C. S J which I recently met with, and is what has led me to write, I do not see any name located in PhiladelphiaAs Written:Philad PennsylvanniaAs Written:Penna. Have you a student there? if so please send word to Mrs. S. T. Gibson. No 686 Nth 13th Street. PhiladelphiaAs Written:Philad PennsylvanniaAs Written:Pa. She is a friend who is suffering greatly — and I have written her of this course of treatment=. that is, what I could understand from the two numbers of. The C. S. journal which has found its way to my hands I will enclose stamp for that purpose, & your sending the address to her will prevent delay, as would occur were it sent to me for her.

Yours for the Truth.
Miss M. E. Asay.
Handshift:Mary Baker EddySend if any are there tell her of Mrs Lathrop
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

From Iowa to Massachu [?] Unclear or illegible setts my arms stretch out to you, with a feeling that I have found something, for which the spirit has long yearned; viz- that there is some oneCorrected:someone who knows of a power to heal, beyond drugs and magnetism Weary of these I have longed for more reliable means; and have often felt, there was a power to heal more real somewhere if I could only unveil it.

Would that it were in my power to receive benefit from you, and also that I had means to avail myself of a collegiate course, that I might benefit others. Ever present with me has been this desire to benefit the suffering ones of earth.

On looking over the cards in C. S J which I recently met with, and is what has led me to write, I do not see any name located in PhiladExpanded:Philadelphia PennaExpanded:Pennsylvannia. Have you a student there? if so please send word to Mrs. S. T. Gibson. No 686 Nth 13th Street. PhiladExpanded:Philadelphia Pa.Expanded:Pennsylvannia She is a friend who is suffering greatly — and I have written her of this course of treatment=. that is, what I could understand from the two numbers of. The C. S. journal which has found its way to my hands I will enclose stamp for that purpose, & your sending the address to her will prevent delay, as would occur were it sent to me for her.

Yours for the Truth.
Miss M. E. Asay.
Handshift:Mary Baker EddySend if any are there tell her of Mrs Lathrop
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