Accession: 683A.77.009
Editorial Title: Calla S. Johnson to Mary Baker Eddy, January 21, 1884
Author: Calla S. Johnson 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: January 21, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Calla S. Johnson on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Archival Note: A notation on the letter indicates that the letter was to be answered by Emma Curtis Hopkins.
Editorial Note: Johnson is writing to Eddy asking for clear statement of the foundations and principles of Christian Science. Her friends are distressed because they believe Christian Science to be a form of Spiritualism. Johnson does not share that opinion and wants Eddy to reaffirm what Johnson believes Christian Science to be. Johnson has been restored to health after receiving Christian Science treatment through prayer from Bradford Sherman, Martha E. Sherman, and Caroline D. Noyes. Johnson has also commenced her personal study of Christian Science by reading issues of The Christian Science Journal, hoping to gain a "greater spiritual silent power" to help in her work as a school teacher. She was not planning on pursuing a career in Christian Science. However, her personal study has had such an effect on her that she wants to visit Boston and study with Eddy.
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