Accession: 683B.77.004
Editorial Title: Bertha M. Jones to Mary Baker Eddy, August 5, 1885
Author: Bertha M. Jones 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye  Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 5, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Bertha M. Jones on unlined paper from Milford, Massachusetts.
Archival Note: This letter includes notations in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye and Mary Baker Eddy.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Mary Baker Eddybetter try to heal all your case and get out of the trouble you have before coming to College
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans Aug 8

Pardon me for taking the liberty in directing these lines to you. It was in the early As Written: earley part of last spring, when I learned something of Christian Science.

I send to the College for "Science and Health."Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy studied it, and found it was just the study I was hungering for. After I had a little knowledge of it, I put it in practice. My first patient was my little boy whose belief As Written: believe of Croup I destroyed As Written: distroyed while eating breakfast. Have since destroyed As Written: distroyed his belief As Written: believe of toothache and stuffed up nose. He said: "Mamma I rather have you make me feel better than the doctor. The experiment with my little boy encouraged As Written: incouraged me and took some of my friends whose different beliefs As Written: believes seemed to be affected As Written: effected to a certain As Written: sertain extent As Written: extend according to what little knowledge I had of Christian Healing. I have a friend three roads As Written: rodes from my house, who has a belief As Written: believe of inflammatory rheumatism in hands and feet, pain in head, diseased As Written: deseased lungs a dry cough and a number of other beliefs As Written: believes of pain and could not sleep nights. I was very successful with her. She said from the first day I treated her she slept nights like a log as she expressed herself, her belief As Written: believe of pain began to leave gradually, when coughing she could raise As Written: rase which she hardly could before, when taking medicine. She said when I entered the room to treat her and whateverAs Written:what ever belief As Written: believe of pain she had at my entering it would be gone in five minutes and could go to sleep easier than keep awake. I was meantime treated by one of Mrs. Choates pupils for belief As Written: believe of stiff hip jointAs Written:hipjoint. I was under her treatment nearly two months and did not seem to improve. I asked her one day if she was sure that she had the understanding of my case and she said "Why certainlyAs Written:sertainly, but as long as you keep on giving the strength to others I give you, you will never get well.” I had not seen any such ideas As Written: idias in your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, but thought she must know more about it than I, not knowing then the difference of your teachings and Mrs. Choates. I told that friend on my street, to wait until my belief As Written: believe of stiff hip jointAs Written:hipjoint is destroyed As Written: distroyed and I will finish her case. After I gave up my patients I was under treatment of that so calledAs Written:socalled Christian Scientist a few weeks longer when she decided that some opposite mind affected As Written: effected me and she couldn'tAs Written:could'nt do any more for me, and besides she thought I had lost confidence in her. (She was right in her last thought) My family has not the least confidence in Christian Science which is a great obstacle in my way. After my husband had furnished me with money for the treatment with Mrs. Choate's pupil and I did not improve he refused any further help and called it a humbug. I had earned $40.00Editorial Note: $40.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $1,054.26 in 2019. altering hats (My husband has a small Straw-shop and does the doing over of ladies hats.) I felt that I could spend my own money as I pleased, I came to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts and put myselfAs Written:my self under the treatment of Mrs Crosse; who was so kind after I told told her my situation to treat me for half price. I was treated by her I think five weeks when my funds got low (for the carfare was $1.50Editorial Note: $1.50 in 1885 is the equivalent of $39.50 in 2019. every time I came in) I asked Mrs. Crosse if she thought a months’ As Written: months vacation would interfere with the treatment. She said: "No it might be a benefitAs Written:benifit, I was pleased with that answer for I thought some kind Fairy might think of me in meantime. I took vacation the middle of July and intend to continue treatment the middle or last of August My greatest desire was since I became interested As Written: interrested in Christian Healing to study it thoroughly I always wanted to be a physician As Written: physian before I knew of Christian Healing. Perhaps you recollect last spring a letterEditorial Note: See 683B.77.002 written by Mrs. Bertha Jones of MilfordEditorial Note: Milford, Massachusetts inquiring for the lowest terms to study Christian Healing and you kindly reduced it to $200.00Editorial Note: $200.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $5,271.29 in 2019.. Then I thought having those $40.00Editorial Note: $40.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $1,054.26 in 2019. I earned and hoping I might get some help from my husband and friends right in the family I might get the money together. But was sadly disappointedAs Written:dissapointed, the Straw businessAs Written:Straw-bussiness has been very dull the last two years my husband had not made the expenses As Written: expences in either of them and was obliged to hire $500.00Editorial Note: $500.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $13,178.22 in 2019. to pay the bills for the house this year. Being situated as I am, I have not only to be very saving but must reduce all expensesAs Written:expences. I told Mrs. Crosse about it one day and how hopeless I am about studying. She said: "Where there is a will there is a way." Those words have echoed and reechoed in my mind ever since and kept me from being entirely discouragedAs Written:discurraged. At times I seem to be strongly inclined to treat people when I hear of their beliefs As Written: believes of sickness and how hopeless the attending physician's talk about the cases I feel as if I must go and offer my service. I did so two weeks ago a young physician who resides on our street was to pass away most any hour, his three attending physicians had given him up. I called on the friends and asked as long as he is given up, to let me see what Christian Healing can do, but was refused. I have asked Mrs. Crosse if it is best to listen to those longings of treating she advised me to wait until I knew more of Christian Healing. I thought a first of hiring $200.00Editorial Note: $200.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $5,271.29 in 2019. to study with, but Milford is a very poor place for a young Christian Healer to start. The people know but very little of the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and would have to treat for very little or nothing to get patients, And while I study and treat I would have to have a person to do my housework whom I probably As Written: proa bably will have to pay for their service the little I take in and as you see there will be nothing left to pay my debt which would naturally As Written: naturely worry me and am afraid I can’t As Written: cant put my whole Soul As Written: Soule in the good I intend to do. I know I would get all the patients in my neighborhood I could tend to, if I could get understanding of Christian Healing without costing me much so I can treat them for little or nothing there is not a house in my neighborhood but what has at least one person with belief As Written: believe of sickness and most of them are poor. I have a pleasant and happy home many warm friends but no ready money and anxious As Written: anxous to study Christian Healing.

As a last resort I come to you dear Mrs. Eddy feeling as if I had not exerted all. leaving your kind heart unnotified of my great desire. I have learned through the Christian Science Journal how kindly you have assisted persons who were anxious As Written: anxous to study Christian Healing but had not the means. It should be a great help to me if you could give me a few lessons to start me aright and in time when I am able will finish the course. Please Mrs. Eddy do not look at me as a beggar or intruder I want to help others and see them happy. I should feel as if I was for some good in this world if I could get an understanding of Christian Healing. I should work persistently As Written: persistantly until the task is finished, if it ever is.

Dear Mrs Eddy I do not wish to have you feel as if you must give me some lessons free of charge because I should like them. I had only written to you feeling that without it I had not exerted all in trying to become a Christian Healer. And if you answer me that your class is full, or you do not wish, or can’t As Written: cant give me a start I shall be just as happy and think just as much of you, only feeling that it is for the best, which I will see clearer in time to come.

Hoping you will favor me with an answer

I remain
Yours RespectfullyAs Written:Resptflly
Bertha Jones
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Mary Baker Eddybetter try to heal all your case and get out of the trouble you have before coming to College
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsExpanded:Answered Aug 8

Pardon me for taking the liberty in directing these lines to you. It was in the earley Corrected: early part of last spring, when I learned something of Christian Science.

I send to the College for "Science and Health."Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy studied it, and found it was just the study I was hungering for. After I had a little knowledge of it, I put it in practice. My first patient was my little boy whose believe Corrected: belief of Croup I distroyed Corrected: destroyed while eating breakfast. Have since distroyed Corrected: destroyed his believe Corrected: belief of toothache and stuffed up nose. He said: "Mamma I rather have you make me feel better than the doctor. The experiment with my little boy incouraged Corrected: encouraged me and took some of my friends whose different believes Corrected: beliefs seemed to be effected Corrected: affected to a sertain Corrected: certain extend Corrected: extent according to what little knowledge I had of Christian Healing. I have a friend three rodes Corrected: roads from my house, who has a believe Corrected: belief of inflammatory rheumatism in hands and feet, pain in head, deseased Corrected: diseased lungs a dry cough and a number of other believes Corrected: beliefs of pain and could not sleep nights. I was very successful with her. She said from the first day I treated her she slept nights like a log as she expressed herself, her believe Corrected: belief of pain began to leave gradually, when coughing she could rase Corrected: raise which she hardly could before, when taking medicine. She said when I entered the room to treat her and what everCorrected:whatever believe Corrected: belief of pain she had at my entering it would be gone in five minutes and could go to sleep easier than keep awake. I was meantime treated by one of Mrs. Choates pupils for believe Corrected: belief of stiff hipjointCorrected:hip joint. I was under her treatment nearly two months and did not seem to improve. I asked her one day if she was sure that she had the understanding of my case and she said "Why sertainlyCorrected:certainly, but as long as you keep on giving the strength to others I give you, you will never get well.” I had not seen any such idias Corrected: ideas in your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, but thought she must know more about it than I, not knowing then the difference of your teachings and Mrs. Choates. I told that friend on my street, to wait until my believe Corrected: belief of stiff hipjointCorrected:hip joint is distroyed Corrected: destroyed and I will finish her case. After I gave up my patients I was under treatment of that socalledCorrected:so called Christian Scientist a few weeks longer when she decided that some opposite mind effected Corrected: affected me and she could'ntCorrected:couldn't do any more for me, and besides she thought I had lost confidence in her. (She was right in her last thought) My family has not the least confidence in Christian Science which is a great obstacle in my way. After my husband had furnished me with money for the treatment with Mrs. Choate's pupil and I did not improve he refused any further help and called it a humbug. I had earned $40.00Editorial Note: $40.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $1,054.26 in 2019. altering hats (My husband has a small Straw-shop and does the doing over of ladies hats.) I felt that I could spend my own money as I pleased, I came to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts and put my selfCorrected:myself under the treatment of Mrs Crosse; who was so kind after I told told her my situation to treat me for half price. I was treated by her I think five weeks when my funds got low (for the carfare was $1.50Editorial Note: $1.50 in 1885 is the equivalent of $39.50 in 2019. every time I came in) I asked Mrs. Crosse if she thought a months Corrected: months’ vacation would interfere with the treatment. She said: "No it might be a benifitCorrected:benefit, I was pleased with that answer for I thought some kind Fairy might think of me in meantime. I took vacation the middle of July and intend to continue treatment the middle or last of August My greatest desire was since I became interrested Corrected: interested in Christian Healing to study it thoroughly I always wanted to be a physian Corrected: physician before I knew of Christian Healing. Perhaps you recollect last spring a letterEditorial Note: See 683B.77.002 written by Mrs. Bertha Jones of MilfordEditorial Note: Milford, Massachusetts inquiring for the lowest terms to study Christian Healing and you kindly reduced it to $200.00Editorial Note: $200.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $5,271.29 in 2019.. Then I thought having those $40.00Editorial Note: $40.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $1,054.26 in 2019. I earned and hoping I might get some help from my husband and friends right in the family I might get the money together. But was sadly dissapointedCorrected:disappointed, the Straw-bussinessCorrected:Straw business has been very dull the last two years my husband had not made the expences Corrected: expenses in either of them and was obliged to hire $500.00Editorial Note: $500.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $13,178.22 in 2019. to pay the bills for the house this year. Being situated as I am, I have not only to be very saving but must reduce all expencesCorrected:expenses. I told Mrs. Crosse about it one day and how hopeless I am about studying. She said: "Where there is a will there is a way." Those words have echoed and reechoed in my mind ever since and kept me from being entirely discurragedCorrected:discouraged. At times I seem to be strongly inclined to treat people when I hear of their believes Corrected: beliefs of sickness and how hopeless the attending physician's talk about the cases I feel as if I must go and offer my service. I did so two weeks ago a young physician who resides on our street was to pass away most any hour, his three attending physicians had given him up. I called on the friends and asked as long as he is given up, to let me see what Christian Healing can do, but was refused. I have asked Mrs. Crosse if it is best to listen to those longings of treating she advised me to wait until I knew more of Christian Healing. I thought a first of hiring $200.00Editorial Note: $200.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $5,271.29 in 2019. to study with, but Milford is a very poor place for a young Christian Healer to start. The people know but very little of the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and would have to treat for very little or nothing to get patients, And while I study and treat I would have to have a person to do my housework whom I proa bably Corrected: probably will have to pay for their service the little I take in and as you see there will be nothing left to pay my debt which would naturely Corrected: naturally worry me and am afraid I cant Corrected: can’t put my whole Soule Corrected: Soul in the good I intend to do. I know I would get all the patients in my neighborhood I could tend to, if I could get understanding of Christian Healing without costing me much so I can treat them for little or nothing there is not a house in my neighborhood but what has at least one person with believe Corrected: belief of sickness and most of them are poor. I have a pleasant and happy home many warm friends but no ready money and anxous Corrected: anxious to study Christian Healing.

As a last resort I come to you dear Mrs. Eddy feeling as if I had not exerted all. leaving your kind heart unnotified of my great desire. I have learned through the Christian Science Journal how kindly you have assisted persons who were anxous Corrected: anxious to study Christian Healing but had not the means. It should be a great help to me if you could give me a few lessons to start me aright and in time when I am able will finish the course. Please Mrs. Eddy do not look at me as a beggar or intruder I want to help others and see them happy. I should feel as if I was for some good in this world if I could get an understanding of Christian Healing. I should work persistantly Corrected: persistently until the task is finished, if it ever is.

Dear Mrs Eddy I do not wish to have you feel as if you must give me some lessons free of charge because I should like them. I had only written to you feeling that without it I had not exerted all in trying to become a Christian Healer. And if you answer me that your class is full, or you do not wish, or cant Corrected: can’t give me a start I shall be just as happy and think just as much of you, only feeling that it is for the best, which I will see clearer in time to come.

Hoping you will favor me with an answer

I remain
Yours ResptfllyExpanded:Respectfully
Bertha Jones
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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy $40.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $1,054.26 in 2019. Boston, Massachusetts $1.50 in 1885 is the equivalent of $39.50 in 2019. Milford, Massachusetts $200.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $5,271.29 in 2019. $40.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $1,054.26 in 2019. $500.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $13,178.22 in 2019. $200.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $5,271.29 in 2019. Christian Science See 683B.77.002