Accession: 699A.82.003
Editorial Title: Maria A. Ober to Mary Baker Eddy, December 29, 1885
Author: Maria A. Ober 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 29, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Maria A. Ober on embossed lined paper from Chazy, New York.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Enclosed As Written: Inclosed find one dollarEditorial Note: $1.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $26.36 in 2019.; for which I want you should send me something to help me understand Christian Science,, & also help me to utilize it for myselfAs Written:my self & others,,

You say, "There is even danger in the mental state called belief; for if Truth is admitted, & not understood, error may enter in through the same Channel, & because of this ignorance of Truth".

I appreciate this statement most seriously,, for, some 40 years ago I was healed by faith & prayer & the laying on of hands from Epileptic fits, The instrument was an honest old Christian man who claimed to have the gift of Christian healing,,

I lived & walked with God not even tampering with medicine of any kind for 10 or 12 years, But I was taken sick again with Bowel consumption & expected I must die,– My plans were laid to go, I anticipated upon it, But one day when I was lying upon the lounge a voice spoke to my inward understanding saying "DoAs Written:D you want to get well"? I said don't As Written: dont know as I do, "Well if you want to you can, For all things are yours; Whether life or death, things present or things to come, all are yours & ye are Christ's & Christ is Gods,I Cor 3:21 Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours; I Cor 3:22 Whether Paul, or Apollos, or
Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours;
I Cor 3:23 And ye are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s.

I did not decide that I wanted to get well for several days, therefore did not ask, but when I concluded to accept the offer, I asked & I received; with the assurance that my life would be given me for two years,

At the end of that time I found I had a cancer in my breast & it was working rapidly, Medical treatment was resorted to, which only aggravated As Written: agrivated it & made it 10 fold worse,, My nipple was nearly consumed while all around it for the size of a silver dollar As Written: doller was a raw running offensive sore — It was again suggested why do you not leave it with God to cure, "for as ye have received therein abide" I began to gather up the promises in my behalf & try to claim them But upon examination As Written: exammation I found the promises w ere, not appropriate to me for I was not abiding in Christ, I read, "If ye abide in me & my words abide in you - Ye shall ask what ye will & and it shall be done unto you",, I could not skip that promise over & claim another I did not try to, But I consecrated myselfAs Written:my self to God anew promising to be his through all time, & I knew he would take care of me in Eternity, I besought him for pardon – for sanctification & purity,, For 3 days I was thus humbling myselfAs Written:my self before God, when one night I awoke with such a sensation of purity that I said within myself this must be the work of the spirit, for I feel as pure as a newbornAs Written:new born babe, then followed in quick succession the sensation of Love,, and O! such. Love, It permeated As Written: permiated my whole being Love to God & love for everybodyAs Written:every body — —

After I had arisen it was suggested, "Now you are on promised ground, Now you can ask & receive, I did ask & I waited & expected, but still my breast grew worse & pained me more & more I considered it only a trial of faith & believed when I had been sufficiently tried I should be healed, At the close of the 4th day as I sat reading my bible,, It was suggested in these words, Well! What about your breast? You have been trusting God now for 4 days to heal it, & it has been growing worse all the time", "Get thee As Written: the behind me SatanAs Written:Saten", said I, The spirit never speaks so tauntingly as that,, The suggestion continued Well! perhaps you would glorify God more by patiently suffering his will than you would by being healed, This last suggestion seemed more plausible & I listened & considered & finally As Written: finaly said, Lord if it is thy Will that I should trust Thee & Thee only for the restoration of my breast, Please let the pain now cease though it be only for one moment, ( though it should return with double fury) that I may know thy will in the matter & I will continue to trust Thee though it be for months, for I shall know that Thou wilt heal me In an instant the pain ceased & it never returned, But the outside appearance of the sore remained the same for two days the 3 day it dried up, & at the close of the 4th day it was all healed over, the nipple was restored fresh & new as before, & it has not troubled me any more, Since that I have experienced similar manifestations of faith cures But now I am so much interested in your "Christian Science" that I want to be instructed, how to "demonstrate the unreality of Evil" as you say "Demonstrating the unreality of evil destroys it",

This I cannot comprehend,, Neither do I see how we can "rule out every sense of disease & suffering from mortal mind"

Again you say "Christianity Reveals God as an ever-presentAs Written:ever present Truth & Love; a good to be Utilized (This is what I want to understand) healing the sick, casting out Error, Raising the dead; a divine As Written: devine good that gives life to the religion buried in materiality, that resurrects men from a material sense of Truth & Love to their Spiritual understanding & demonstration,"

Now what I have quoted I suppose to be the pith & substance of Christian Science as "revealed to you & taught by you"

You must have some textbooksAs Written:text books for the use of your students which bear directly on these points. If so I want one, Your lectures to your classes, are probably preserved & printed for their especial benefitAs Written:benifit, Now I am sure from some of these you can furnish me something satisfying , I cannotAs Written:can not afford to buy your large bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy now, my means is limited, & continual demands are pressing upon me, I can hardly spare what I enclose As Written: Inclose but I want to take the Journal, & I want you should furnish me something from your cheaper productions that will help me to demonstrate, comprehend & utilize christian science as taught by you,,

What is left over Let it be a subscription to the Journal of Christian Science,, commencing with Dec, number / 1885As Written:85

I hope sometimeAs Written:some time to be able to buy your book

Science & healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy,,

It is only about 4 weeks since I have known or heard of you or the science of Healing —I have never seen a person who had any knowledge of it,, But I had company from New York last summer, & after they were gone I was cleaning their room & pulled out the bureauAs Written:beauro, when I discovered lying on the floor under it a MagazineAs Written:Magizine, I read the title As Written: tittle & curiosity led me to look inside It was the July number of the Christian science Journal,, I opened to Bible lessons by Rev - Mary, G, B, Eddy & became very much interested, I sent for another Sample number of said Journal,, & 30 centsEditorial Note: $0.30 in 1885 is the equivalent of $7.91 in 2019. for 3 books "Historical sketch of Metaphysical Healing" I wanted one for myself & the others for distribution, But this does not satisfy me, I want more, & I hope to hear from you soon -–

Yours most respectfully As Written: respectfuly
Mrs. M. A. Ober
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Inclosed Corrected: Enclosed find one dollarEditorial Note: $1.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $26.36 in 2019.; for which I want you should send me something to help me understand Christian Science,, & also help me to utilize it for my selfCorrected:myself & others,,

You say, "There is even danger in the mental state called belief; for if Truth is admitted, & not understood, error may enter in through the same Channel, & because of this ignorance of Truth".

I appreciate this statement most seriously,, for, some 40 years ago I was healed by faith & prayer & the laying on of hands from Epileptic fits, The instrument was an honest old Christian man who claimed to have the gift of Christian healing,,

I lived & walked with God not even tampering with medicine of any kind for 10 or 12 years, But I was taken sick again with Bowel consumption & expected I must die,– My plans were laid to go, I anticipated upon it, But one day when I was lying upon the lounge a voice spoke to my inward understanding saying "DExpanded:Do you want to get well"? I said dont Corrected: don't know as I do, "Well if you want to you can, For all things are yours; Whether life or death, things present or things to come, all are yours & ye are Christ's & Christ is Gods,I Cor 3:21 Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours; I Cor 3:22 Whether Paul, or Apollos, or
Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours;
I Cor 3:23 And ye are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s.

I did not decide that I wanted to get well for several days, therefore did not ask, but when I concluded to accept the offer, I asked & I received; with the assurance that my life would be given me for two years,

At the end of that time I found I had a cancer in my breast & it was working rapidly, Medical treatment was resorted to, which only agrivated Corrected: aggravated it & made it 10 fold worse,, My nipple was nearly consumed while all around it was for the size of a silver half doller Corrected: dollar was a raw running offensive sore — It was again suggested why do you not leave it with God to cure, "for as ye have received therein abide" I began to gather up the promises in my behalf & try to claim them But upon exammation Corrected: examination I found the promises was ere, not appropriate to me for I was not abiding in Christ, I read, "If ye abide in me & my words abide in you - Ye shall ask what ye will & and it shall be done unto you",, I could not skip that promise over & claim another I did not try to, But I consecrated my selfCorrected:myself to God anew promising to be his through all time, & I knew he would take care of me in Eternity, I besought him for pardon – for sanctification & purity,, For 3 days I was thus humbling my selfCorrected:myself before God, when one night I awoke with such a sensation of purity that I said within myself this must be the work of the spirit, for I feel as pure as a new bornCorrected:newborn babe, then followed in quick succession the sensation of Love,, and O! such. Love, It permiated Corrected: permeated my whole being Love to God & love for every bodyCorrected:everybody — —

After I had arisen it was suggested, "Now you are on promised ground, Now you can ask & receive, I did ask & I waited & expected, but still my breast grew worse & pained me more & more I considered it only a trial of faith & believed when I had been sufficiently tried I should be healed, At the close of the 4th day as I sat reading my bible,, It was suggested in these warords, Well! What about your breast? You have been trusting God now for 4 days to heal it, & it has been growing worse all the time", "Get the Corrected: thee behind me SatenCorrected:Satan", said I, The spirit never speaks so tauntingly as that,, The suggestion continued Well! perhaps you would glorify God more by patiently suffering his will than you would by being healed, This last suggestion seemed more plausible & I listened & considered & finaly Corrected: finally said, Lord if it is thy Will that I should trust t Thee & tThee only for the restoration of my breast, Please let the pain now cease though it be only for one moment, ( [?] Unclear or illegible  though it should return with double fury) that I may know thy will in the matter & I will continue to trust tThee though it be for months, for I shall know that tThou wilt heal me In an instant the pain ceased & it never returned, But the outside appearance of the sore remained the same for two days the 3 day it dried up, & at the close of the 4th day it was all healed over, the nipple was restored fresh & new as before, & it has not troubled me since any more, Since that I have experienced similar manifestations of faith cures But now I am so much interested in your "Christian Science" that I want to be instructed, how to "demonstrate error the unreality of Evil" as you say To "Demonstrating the unreality of evil destroys it",

This I cannot comprehend,, Neither do I see how we can "rule out every sense of disease & suffering from mortal mind"

Again you say "Christianity Reveals God as an ever presentCorrected:ever-present Truth & Love; a good to be Utilized (This is what I want to understand) healing the sick, casting out Error, Raising the dead; a devine Corrected: divine good that gives life to the religion buried in materiality, that resurrects men from a material sense of Truth & l Love to their Spiritual understanding & demonstration,"

Now what I have quoted I suppose to be the pith & substance of Christian Science ats "revealed to you & taught by you"

You must have some text booksCorrected:textbooks for the use of your students which bear directly on these points. If so I want one, Your lectures to your classes, are probably preserved & printed for their especial benifitCorrected:benefit, Now I am sure from some of these you can furnish me something satisfying from some of these, I can notCorrected:cannot afford to buy your large bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy now, my means is limited, & continual demands are pressing upon me, I can hardly spare what I Inclose Corrected: enclose but I want to take the Journal, & I want you should furnish me something from your cheaper productions that will help me to demonstrate, comprehend & utilize your christian science as taught by you,,

What is left over Let it be a subscription to the Journal of Christian Science,, commencing with Dec, number / 85Expanded:1885

I hope some timeCorrected:sometime to be able to buy your book

Science & healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy,,

It is only about 4 weeks since I have known or heard of you or the science of Healing —I have never seen a person who had any knowledge of it,, But I had company from New York last summer, & after they were gone I was cleaning their room & pulled out the beauroCorrected:bureau, when I discovered lying on the floor under it a MagizineCorrected:Magazine, I read the tittle Corrected: title & curiosity led me to look inside It was the July number of the Christian science Journal,, I opened to bBible lessons by Rev - Mary, G, B, Eddy & became very much interested, I sent for another Sample number of said Journal,, & 30 centsEditorial Note: $0.30 in 1885 is the equivalent of $7.91 in 2019. for 3 books "Historical sketch of Metaphysical Healing" I wanted one for myself & the others for distribution, But this does not satisfy me, I want more, & I hope to hear from you soon -–

Yours most respectfuly Corrected: respectfully
Mrs. M. A. Ober
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$1.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $26.36 in 2019. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy $0.30 in 1885 is the equivalent of $7.91 in 2019. Sciota is a hamlet located in the northwestern part of Chazy, New York. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy