Accession: 707BP2.84.025
Editorial Title: R. A. Rowley to Mary Baker Eddy, September 12, 1883
Author: R. A. Rowley 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: September 12, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by R. A. Rowley on lined paper from Rochester, New York.
Related Topic: 707BP2.84.023Click link to view 707BP2.84.023 document in new window, 707BP2.84.024Click link to view 707BP2.84.024 document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

The letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. of Mr Frye has just come to hand. and finds me in a perplexity to say the least. My MotherEditorial Note: Mary Ann Rowley is unwell partly I think on account of my desire to join the class - and my wife has her hands more than full with her care and that of the baby. These things are enough to distract me but on going for my money today I find that is the same as locked up for several weeks. Now all these things are to me evidence that I must wait a little and I cannot come now. I am disappointed but not cast down - and shall take up the everydayAs Written:every day burden of life and go ahead- till I can see an open door to pass through and so leave it behind. Shall you have a class about the 1st of November- for as I cannot come now my engaged work will keep me till then or later. Hoping you will have a good class and all needed strength for your many labors - I remain with hopes of a more intimate acquaintance in the near future

Very Respectfully Yours
R. A. Rowley.
24 Spencer St-

P. S. Many thanks for the paper- I will try and share it to some purpose-


Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

The letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. of Mr Frye has just come to hand. and finds me in a perplexity to say the least. My MotherEditorial Note: Mary Ann Rowley is unwell partly I think on account of my desire to join the class - and my wife has her hands more than full with her care and that of the baby. These things are enough to distract me but on going for my money today I find that is the same as locked up for several weeks. Now all these things are to me evidence that I must wait a little and I cannot come now. I am disappointed but not cast down - and shall take up the every dayCorrected:everyday burden of life and go ahead- till I can see an open door to pass through and so leave it behind. Shall you have a class about the 1st of November- for as I cannot come now my engaged work will keep me till then or later. Hoping you will have a good class and all needed strength for your many labors - I remain with hopes of a more intimate acquaintance in the near future

Very Respectfully Yours
R. A. Rowley.
24 Spencer St-

P. S. Many thanks for the paper- I will try and share it to some purpose-


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This letter is not extant. Mary Ann Rowley