Less than two weeks ago, a neighbor brought to me a copy of your Journal and your Lecture to read, and asked me if I had ever heard of the Metaphysical College in MassachusettsAs Written:Mass or know anything As Written:any thing of its teachings. I said I did not. she had quite a talk with me on the subject (as I am an invalid) and wanted me to think of it. said she had your books, “Science of Health’Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and would like me to read them. I am a true believer in God, and try to live up to my profession As Written: profeshion as a Christian As Written: christian , and I felt before I had read far, it was just what I wanted. I felt as If I could not lay the book down, and felt such a desire to talk with you, to paint out in plain As Written: planer words, things I could not understand. It seemed strange that your mode of healing should have been laid As Written: layed before just at the time it was. for a long time previous I had felt that to get well I must look to Higher Power than an earthly physician, and we had made it a (my case) a subject of prayer. I had felt disappointed at times that my prayers had not been answered – it was at this time your books were brought to me. I have finished them today. I feel better for reading them. I see things in a different light, but I feel that I am at fault somewhere As Written: some where , do I expect too As Written: to much? If you will bear with me I will tell you of myself As Written: my self -
I am a married lady, thirty eight years old, have two children, seventeen & fifteen. I have never been a rugged or very strong person, but by no means sickly. two years ago this April I had an acute attack of Bronchitis. (I think for some years there had been a little trouble in the tubes, on account of having to clear the throat so often) it left me with a cough the cough grew worse, and from loss of blood from bleeding pilesEditorial Note: hemorrhoids, I was running down very fast so I was confined to my bed and room all last winter. during the winter I had an operation performed in having the piles tied off, which proved successful, for I have been well ever since. Everyone As Written: every one thought I was going in consumptionEditorial Note: Tuberculosis, and I was sent to the Adirondacks all last summer. I came home better my strength seemed all right, but my cough did not leave me. and returned as bad as ever when I got back to the city. I changed As Written: changged my place of residence – came to Orange about 6 miles from Newark N.J. to live. my strength had kept good (which surprised my DoctorAs Written:Dr for he said if that gave out, he did not know what the consequences would be. I went to New York about this time to have my lungs examined to know if it was consumption. the DoctorAs Written:Dr said it was not it was CatarrhAs Written: Catarah of the Bronchial tubes and had extended to the lungs. told me I could be cured by following Hygiene As Written: Hygene rules. I was taking no medicine at the time, for to tell the truth I have not much faith in it, and what he told me gave me new hopes. I never saw him but the once. but followed his directions in bathing, eating, walking &c. well the next week after seeing him, while taking a walk, I was taken suddenly ill in the street. my daughter was with me, or I do not think I could have gotten home. I got into a store and it was a long time before I could walk. It was a giving out of every part of me my limbs were like ice and my head so strange. I never felt so in my life. I thought I should die. the DoctorAs Written:Dr said it was nervous As Written: nerveous prostration and I have not been myself As Written: my self since. that was nearly two months ago. I cannot walk any distance since, and have had returns of those spells ever since, any over exertion. It is beyond the power of my DoctorAs Written:Dr to explain As Written: explane the cause of this sudden prostration, when I seemed to be gaining after I commenced reading your books I felt anxious to be treated Metaphysically As Written: Metaphysicall y for I had more faith in it than medicine. this neighbor knew of a lady who had been treated by Mrs Choates so I wrote to her and said I wished to place myself in her hands for treatment. she answered and said she had cured like cases but never promised a cure. this disappointed me, for I thought they did not entertain a doubt of a cure. after reading your second volume As Written: vol and you speaking of trouble from Malpractitioners, I thought I would write you and ask if Mrs Choates was as well recommended by you as any student you had. If I understand right – you do not treat cases. I was sorry to find her prices so high. I am in moderate circumstances and felt it was more than I could afford. It is terrible to think of the drain my sickness has been to us, oh if I could only get cured by Metaphysic and could stand a monument to God’s power before my friends. last Sunday I had to give up again and I made up my mind I would stop everything I was doing to help myself. so this last week when I placed myself in Mrs Choate’s hands, I stopped everything bathing and all. my DoctorAs Written:Dr comes every other Sunday to examine my lungs. Do you dear Mrs Eddy see any reason why I cannot be cured? I forgot to mention I have had falling and retroversion of the womb since my first child’s As Written: childs birth – I hope you will pardon me for taking so much of your time, but if you can answer this I shall feel better,