I do not apologize for the above address for you have proved indeed a sister in “Christ, to me. It is unnecessary to ask “God the Spirit to bless you, as he has, and does, in every good, you as his instrument, make manifest in the healing, that goes forth, to do its work.
This to you is nothing new, as hundreds of grateful hearts, send forth their thanks to the “power alone to heal. As a wreck that has gone down in deep water, and the wave’s closed above it, concealing it for all time, from human observation, so seemed any, my Life for so weary a time, but the eye that pierceth the deep, and readeth the inscrutable, held me in sight, and in his own good time, the treasure in that gallant vessel has raised again, from the shoals & quicksand’s, and destroyed only its perishable positions As Written: postions, by the great and all pervading God, for I, that write this am drifting, into the harbor of “Love, peace & Life, for aye. I am not quite there, but, belief, has given way to faith, and understanding will them take possessions of the immortal Soul, called Mind. I know your time is precious, but I cannot for bear to relate in incident that occurred to me yesterday morning. I was washing some pieces of lace in a solution of gasolineAs Written:gasolene, when it suddenly ignited, from the heat of a stove near by, and for some moments, I was enveloped in flame’s, and death seemed inevitable, but in a few moments, I had conquered the element. I likened this, to my present, or progressive position, as having been reserved from error, to do good if so it be. I am anxious to attend the course of “College” – but it should not be possible to do so, will endeavor, by word at least to show, poor suffering humanity to the source of Life, Love & truth. Will you not send a thought to me, that I may be able to do the work that I am anxious to do. Should, or when rather, the time comes, I can work with your permission, I desire to sell your book’sEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy., from which I have learned so much and at times I feel I can hug them in my arm’s, as a mother her infant. My love to Mrs Cross regards to Dr Fry, & for you I can now write what I feel, but you know, you know. I do not expect an answer to this, as your moments are golden, only give me a thought.