Accession: 723B.89.008
Editorial Title: Henry W. White to Mary Baker Eddy, December 19, 1883
Author: Henry W. White 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 19, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Henry W. White on embossed lined paper from Lewiston, Maine.
Editorial Note: White tells Mary Baker Eddy of struggling with illness for years until a Christian Scientist came to Lewiston, Maine, to practice healing through prayer. This practitioner took White's case and White found himself so quickly improved in health that he studied with the practitioner, who used Eddy's book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, as a textbook. The result has been that he now holds Eddy in highest esteem and would like to take a class from her at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College in Boston. However, he is poor and has a large family that includes young children who are dependent on him for support. He asks Eddy if there is any way he could have even a few oral lessons from her and work out some means of payment. He feels that seeing her for even one day would do him good. A notation on the letter indicates it was answered on December 31, 1883.
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