I have had the inclination for several weeks to write you. I have carefully read your books “Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.” twice, and am impressed with the thought that they contain valuable truths. Many of your views harmonize with what I have vaguely understood for a long while, I can readily understand that there is no sensation in the body, but can not understand that there can be a dream without a dreamer, nor perceive what our identity is, if it be not intelligence, nor discern your line of separation between the real and the unreal, nor your meaning by the difference between the intellectual and spiritual discernment of truth, I suppose the fault is in my understanding, that these things are not clear to me.
I very much wish an increased understanding of all truth, and am desirous to leave all for truth, but must be sure that it is truth. I have sufficient faith in your discernment to think that you can understand the situation, and so give me practical advice. Please send me “Christian Healing.”
Any other reading or study that may be beneficial, I will gladly send for by your advice.