Accession: A10214
Editorial Title: Notices for the Massachusetts Metaphysical College
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Scribe: unknown 
Date: 1882 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Handwritten on lined paper by an unknown scribe.
Editorial Note: This notice is likely from 1882 since it announces the establishment of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

We have the pleasure of announcing to our hearers establishment of the Mass. Metaphysical College in Boston at 569 Columbus Av. - The locality is airy and pleasant the house a freestone front with rooms large and commodiousAs Written:comnodious Our curriculumAs Written:circuleum gives the names of the faculty as follows

Mary B. Glover Eddy professorAs Written:prof. of obstetrics Metaphysics and Christian Science

Rufus King Noyes M.D. formerly resident Surgeon of the Boston City Hospital, professorAs Written:prof. - of surgery and accouchementAs Written:accouchment[*]Editorial Note: Accouchement: the time or act of giving birth.

Charles J. Eastman M.D. of Boston, professorAs Written:prof - of surgery and medical jurisprudence.[*]Archival Note: This paragraph is followed by a series of marks that look like Xs or cross marks.

I hereby give notice that Mrs. Eddy will give public lectures at this college on Thursday of every week at 3 P.M. on the subject of Christian healing for the small admittance fee of 25 ctsEditorial Note: Twenty-five cents in 1882 would be equal to approximately $5.74 in 2011.

Also that she will give free private lectures to her students on Tuesday evening of each week during the intervals of the regular sessions of her class [*]Archival Note: This paragraph is followed by a series of marks that look like Xs or cross marks.

The history of the Mass. Metaphysical College is yet unwritten This school is the first of its kind in America or Europe of which we have a history and unlike other colleges its course of instruction uplifts the standard of ethics while its practice includes the divine rule and demonstrates the scientific Principle of Christian healing.

Over twenty years ago it was discovered at The Oxford UniversityMary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures379:9A felon, on whom certain English students experi‐
 mented, fancied himself bleeding to death, and died be‐
 cause of that belief, when only a stream of
379:12warm water was trickling over his arm. Had
 he known his sense of bleeding was an illusion, he would
 have risen above the false belief. Let the despairing in‐
379:15valid, inspecting the hue of her blood on a cambric hand‐
 kerchief, think of the experiment of those Oxford boys,
 who caused the death of a man, when not a drop of his
379:18blood was shed. Then let her learn the opposite state‐
 ment of Life as taught in Christian Science, and she will
 understand that she is not dying on account of the state of
379:21her blood, but is suffering from her belief that blood is
 destroying her life. The so-called vital current does not
 affect the invalid’s health, but her belief produces the
379:24very results she dreads.
England that the action of mind alone on the body was capable of killing a man

Today it is taught and proven in Boston that mind alone can save a man's life and heal his diseases [*]Archival Note: This paragraph is followed by a series of marks that look like Xs or cross marks.

[*]Archival Note: This paragraph is proceeded by a series of marks that look like Xs or cross marks.We also give notice that the Christian Scientist Association which in the order of providence has been the nucleusAs Written:nuecleus of Christian healing and by membership therewith we have been able to distinguish the true from the false student or malpractitionerAs Written:malpractioner - will meet monthly after its next session owing to the great number of meetings there are on hand at the present time.

We are pleased to add - this time-honored body is yet in good working order and we doubt not that in the future she will stand firmly at the post of duty even as she has done in the past.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

We hereby give notice

We have the pleasure of announcing to our hearers establishment of the Mass. Metaphysical College in Boston at 569 Columbus Av. - The locality is airy and pleasant the house a freestone front and with rooms large and comnodiousCorrected:commodious Our circuleumCorrected:curriculum gives the names of the faculty as follows

Mary B. Glover Eddy prof.Expanded:professor of obstetrics Metaphysics and Christian Science

Rufus King Noyes M.D. formerly resident Surgeon of the Boston City Hospital, Corrected:professor - of surgery and accouchmentCorrected:accouchement[*]Editorial Note: Accouchement: the time or act of giving birth.

Charles J. Eastman M.D. of Boston, Corrected:professor - of surgery and medical jurisprudence.[*]Archival Note: This paragraph is followed by a series of marks that look like Xs or cross marks.

I hereby give notice that Mrs. Eddy will give public lectures at this college on Thursday of every week at 3 P.M. on the subject of Christian healing Science for the small admittance fee of 25 ctsEditorial Note: Twenty-five cents in 1882 would be equal to approximately $5.74 in 2011.

Also that she will give free private lectures to her students on Tuesday evening of each week during the intervals of the regular sessions of her classes [*]Archival Note: This paragraph is followed by a series of marks that look like Xs or cross marks.

The history of the Mass. Metaphysical College is yet unwritten This Coll school is the first of its kind in America or Europe of which we have a history in the Un America or Europe and unlike other colleges its course of instruction uplifts the standard of ethics and while its practice includes the divine rule and demonstrates the scientific Principle of Christian healing.

Over twenty years ago it was discovered at The Oxford UniversityMary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures379:9A felon, on whom certain English students experi‐
 mented, fancied himself bleeding to death, and died be‐
 cause of that belief, when only a stream of
379:12warm water was trickling over his arm. Had
 he known his sense of bleeding was an illusion, he would
 have risen above the false belief. Let the despairing in‐
379:15valid, inspecting the hue of her blood on a cambric hand‐
 kerchief, think of the experiment of those Oxford boys,
 who caused the death of a man, when not a drop of his
379:18blood was shed. Then let her learn the opposite state‐
 ment of Life as taught in Christian Science, and she will
 understand that she is not dying on account of the state of
379:21her blood, but is suffering from her belief that blood is
 destroying her life. The so-called vital current does not
 affect the invalid’s health, but her belief produces the
379:24very results she dreads.
England that the action of mind alone on the body was capable of killing a man

Today it is taught and proven in Boston that mind alone can save a man's life and heal his diseases [*]Archival Note: This paragraph is followed by a series of marks that look like Xs or cross marks.

[*]Archival Note: This paragraph is proceeded by a series of marks that look like Xs or cross marks.We also give notice that the Christian Scientist Association which in the order of providence was has been the nuecleusCorrected:nucleus of Christian healing and by its and by membership therewith we could have been able to distinguish the true stud from the false student or malpractionerCorrected:malpractitioner - will meet monthly after its next session owing to the great number of meetings there are on hand at at the present time.

We are pleased to add - this time-honored body is yet in good working order and we doubt not that in the future she will stand firmly at the post of duty even as she has done in the past.

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Accouchement: the time or act of giving birth. This paragraph is followed by a series of marks that look like Xs or cross marks. Twenty-five cents in 1882 would be equal to approximately $5.74 in 2011. This paragraph is followed by a series of marks that look like Xs or cross marks. This paragraph is followed by a series of marks that look like Xs or cross marks. This paragraph is proceeded by a series of marks that look like Xs or cross marks.