Accession: A10636A
Editorial Title: Behold Israel after the flesh
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: February 8, 1885
Manuscript Description: Order of Service handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy.
Editorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy gave the sermon, for which this document is a handwritten Order of Services, at Odd Fellows Hall. Approximately 800 people attended this Communion service. The Christian Science Journal reported: "The Sermon of the Rev. M. B. G. Eddy, pastor of the Church of Christ, before a large audience, Communion Sabbath, Feb. 8th, cannot be reported in the columns of the "Journal" as was hoped, for the stenographic notes were found unavailable. The services were especially impressive, and the high spiritual interpretation of the text, I Corinthians 10:18, elicited warm commendations from many clergymen present. After the sermon, fourteen candidates were admitted to Church membership." (Vol. III, 1885, p. 14)
Related Versions: A10636Click link to view A10636 document in new window
Related Topic: A11459Click link to view A11459 document in new window, A10879Click link to view A10879 document in new window, A10898Click link to view A10898 document in new window, A10636BClick link to view A10636B document in new window, A10636CClick link to view A10636C document in new window, A10636DClick link to view A10636D document in new window, A10636EClick link to view A10636E document in new window.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

1st Hymn 166 (3 1st ver

Reading ScriptureAs Written:Scrip.

Lord's Prayer.

Hymn 51. (3 1st ver

Silent Prayer


Admission Church

Hymn 283



Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

1st Hymn 166 (3 1st ver

Reading Scrip.Expanded:Scripture

Lord's Prayer.

Hymn 51. (3 1st ver

Silent Prayer


Admission Church

Hymn 283



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