Accession: A10642B
Editorial Title: Children, have ye any meat?
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 19, 1887
Manuscript Description: Handwritten in pen by Mary Baker Eddy on unlined paper.
Archival Note: Because this manuscript is so heavily edited, it is transcribed according to final corrections.
Editorial Note: The August 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal reported: "There was a large, intelligent, and attentive audience at the Communion service, June 19, which was conducted by our Pastor, Rev. M. B. G. Eddy, nearly every seat in the hall being occupied." This service was held at Chickering Hall.
Related Versions: To read other drafts of this benediction, see A10650BClick link to view A10650B document in new window and A10650Click link to view A10650 document in new window (handwritten on the Printed Order of Services).
Related Topic: To read the text of this sermon, see A10594Click link to view A10594 document in new window. See A10642Click link to view A10642 document in new window for a printed Order of Services.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

BenedictionAs Written:Bene. After CommunionEditorial Note: See A10642A, “Remarks before Communion.”

— and take the wide wonder of Truth, and feel the bliss of Love. Abiding in the secret place of the Most HighPs 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. , face to face with full orbed glory of spiritual being we go hence from this house to watch and work for Thee and Thine wait patiently amidst the turmoil of earth, until permitted to join the happy throng who have passed before us and eat anew the bread of heaven in Thy Kingdom evermore.

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Father we all shall be made willing and our bodies transformed by the renewing of Spirit in the day of Thy power. Let us cast off the all enticements that would encumber the free Spirit and take in

CommunionAs Written:Com. BenedictionAs Written:Benne.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

BeneExpanded:Benediction. After CommunionEditorial Note: See A10642A, “Remarks before Communion.”

BeneExpanded:Benediction Father we know Make us [?] Unclear or illegible  that we shall all be made willing in the day of Thy power and transform us by the renewing of Spirit,

We would cast today cast [?] Unclear or illegible  We would cast off the all material that would encumber Soulwe would and take the wide wonder of divine Truth, and feel the bliss of Love. Abiding in the secret place of the Most HighPs 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. , face to face with this full orbed glory of being of spiritual being and [?] Unclear or illegible  of Spirit [?] Unclear or illegible  we go hence from this house to watch and work an for Thee and Thine And we wait a little long patiently amidst the turmoil of earth, until permitted to join the happy throng of men and angels who have passed before us and eat anew the bread of heaven in Thy Kingdom and evermore.

Begin here

Father we all all shall all be made willing and our bodies transformed by the renewing of Spirit in the day of Thy power. Let us cast off the O let us today cast off today cast off more and more the O for a closer walk with God that we may cast off the all enticements that would encumber Soul the free Spirit and take in

Com.Expanded:Communion Benne.Expanded:Benediction

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See A10642A, “Remarks before Communion.”