Accession: A10650C
Editorial Title: Children, have ye any meat?
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 25, 1885 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Handwritten in pen by Mary Baker Eddy on unlined paper.
Archival Note: Because this manuscript is so heavily edited, it is transcribed according to final corrections.
Editorial Note: This service marks the first time that Mary Baker Eddy preached at Chickering Hall and that the Church of Christ (Scientist) formally organized a Sunday School. The November 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal reported: "The Hawthorne Rooms proving too small for the congregations, Chickering Hall has been engaged for the season; and when this proves too small, we will get a still larger one."
Related Versions: See A10650AClick link to view A10650A document in new window to read the text of this sermon.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
John 21.5.

Children have ye any meatJohn 21:5 Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.

AccordingAs Written:Accord'g to GospelAs Written:Gos. narrativeAs Written:nar. PeterAs Written:P. was an

PeterAs Written:P. Spokesman for the twelveEditorial Note: The twelve disciples of Jesus.

When the MasterAs Written:M. was no longer with

After the crucifixionAs Written:crucifix & burial
fell off

Why so shocking departureAs Written:departur?

AnswerAs Written:Ans. involvesAs Written:involes another questionAs Written:ques.
What were theirAs Written:thir motives

To follow ChristAs Written:Chist in Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S.

Peters sufferings requisiteAs Written:recquisite

This Last supper spiritually prepared was the perpetual Passover
Communion Sermon

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
John 21.5.

Children have ye any meatJohn 21:5 Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.

Accord'gExpanded:According to Gos.Expanded:Gospel nar.Expanded:narrative P.Expanded:Peter was an

P.Expanded:Peter Spokesman for the twelveEditorial Note: The twelve disciples of Jesus.

When the M.Expanded:Master was no longer with

After the crucifixExpanded:crucifixion & burial
fell off

Why so shocking departurCorrected:departure?

Ans.Expanded:Answer involesCorrected:involves another ques.Expanded:question
What were thirCorrected:their motives

To follow ChistCorrected:Christ in C.S.Expanded:Christian Science

Peters sufferings recquisiteCorrected:requisite

This Last supper spiritually prepared was the perpetual Passover
Communion Sermon

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The twelve disciples of Jesus.