Accession: L01051
Editorial Title: Hanover P. Smith to Mary Baker Eddy, December 28, 1881
Author: Hanover P. Smith 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 28, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Hanover P. Smith on lined paper.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

This certifies that Mrs. Mary B. G. Eddy was ordained Pastor of the Church of Christ chartered As Written: chartared in Massachusetts eighteen hundred and seventy nine. She preached for us three years and we reverence As Written: reverance her character and great ability to preach the gospel. While she was with us with us she built up the Church and society to a flourishing condition and it is with a sincere sense of our obligations to her and with the most tender regrets that we give her up to enter upon new tasks.

Per order of the Church

Hanover P. Smith


Boston Dec. 1881.

This certifies that Mrs. Mary B. G. Eddy was ordained Pastor of the Church of Christ chartered in Massachusetts 1879 Handshift:unknown . She preached for us three years and we reverence her Christian As Written: christian character and great ability to preach the gospel. While she was with us with us she built up the Church and society to a flourishing condition and it is with a sincere sense of our obligations to her and with the most tender regrets that we give her up to enter upon new tasks.

Per order of the Church

Copy of Church Certificate to Mrs. Eddy 1881.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

This certifies that Mrs. Mary B. G. Eddy was ordained Pastor of the Church of Christ chartared Corrected: chartered in Massachusetts eighteen hundred and seventy nine. She preached for us three years and we reverance Corrected: reverence her character and great ability to preach the gospel. While she was with us with us she built up the Church and society to a flourishing condition and it is with a sincere sense of our obligations to her and with the most tender regrets that we give her up to enter upon new tasks.

Per order of the Church

Hanover P. Smith


Boston Dec. 1881.

This certifies that Mrs. Mary B. G. Eddy was ordained Pastor of the Church of Christ chartered in Massachusetts 1879 Handshift:unknown eighteen hundred and seventy nine. She preached for us three years and we reverence her christian Corrected: Christian character and great ability to preach the gospel. While she was with us with us she built up the Church and society to a flourishing condition and it is with a sincere sense of our obligations to her and with the most tender regrets that we give her up to enter upon new tasks.

Per order of the Church

Copy of Church Certificate to Mrs. Eddy 1881.

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