Accession: L02045
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Eldridge J. Smith, December 25, 1876
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Eldridge J. Smith 
Date: December 25, 1876
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on lined paper.
Related Topic: Eldridge J. Smith's reply to this letter is 382.50.004Click link to view 382.50.004 document in new window, dated December 30, 1876.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mr. Smith,

Yours of the 18th inst.Editorial Note: This letter is not extant. received and please accept many thanks for your kind thoughts. Your remarks about your "dear wife" pleased me; after "twelve" or fifty years it should be so. I have no doubts of her nobility and womanly worth — and only regret that I did not see her. This pleasure, however, is only deferred As Written: defered — we shall meet at some future time and regard each other highly. Permit me to send the congratulations of the season to you both and to hope I shall be able to board with you a week or so this winter it would delight me.

The portable writing DeskEditorial Note: This is apparently a reference to a writing desk manufactured by Smith and Smith Manufacturing Company in Rochester, Minnesota, of which Smith was part owner. I hope will sell here fast, but Lynn is not a literary. I cannot express my obligations for the one you send me and never dreamed of the favor, but intended to purchase one at once

Hope you are well remember your body is built by mind and governed by it in all its action. Matter laws are obsolete, it is only what you think in the case about the cold weather and its affects on you only as much as you admit that it does you harm can it affect you You are the law to your body and not the weather! meet every thing you fear unflinchingly and you will conquer the fear and when this is gone you will find the thing you feared has no more power over you

As Ever truly
M B Glover
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mr. Smith,

Yours of the 18th inst.Editorial Note: This letter is not extant. received and please accept many thanks for your kind thoughts. Your remarks about your "dear wife" pleased me; after "twelve" or fifty years it should be so. I have no doubts of her nobility and womanly worth — and only regret that I did not see her. This pleasure, however, is only defered Corrected: deferred — we shall meet at some future time and regard each other highly. Permit me to send the congratulations of the season to you both and to hope I shall be able to board with you a week or so this winter it would delight me.

The portable writing DeskEditorial Note: This is apparently a reference to a writing desk manufactured by Smith and Smith Manufacturing Company in Rochester, Minnesota, of which Smith was part owner. I hope will sell here fast, but Lynn is not a literary. I cannot express my obligations for the one you send me and never dreamed of the favor, but intended to purchase one at once

Hope you are well remember your body is built by mind and governed by it in all its action. Matter laws are obsolete, it is only what you think in the case about the cold weather and its affects on you only as much as you admit that it does you harm can it affect you You are the law to your body and not the weather! meet every thing you fear unflinchingly and you will conquer the fear and when this is gone you will find the thing you feared has no more power over you

As Ever truly
M B Glover
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This letter is not extant. This is apparently a reference to a writing desk manufactured by Smith and Smith Manufacturing Company in Rochester, Minnesota, of which Smith was part owner.