Your favor in verseEditorial Note: See the poem beginning “Immortal Love! -- …” on page 4 of the August 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal. came duly I was pleased to hear from you and to get something for the Journal You will find my ValedictoryEditorial Note: See “Au Revoir” by Mary Baker Eddy on page 4 the August 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal. In this article, Eddy tells the magazine’s readers that Emma Curtis Hopkins is taking over from Eddy as its editor. in the next NumberEditorial Note: The August 1884 issue of The Christian Science Journal.
There never was a time when the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science was creeping into its glorious dimensions before the people, as now; and never a time when the man and the hour should meet as now. I need the right one in the right place more than anything to support this hour. Has God called that one and has the silent arguments that have been mistaken for other causes turned back that individual. Yes it has and I know as well as I know that I exist such has been the case
”Quench not the Spirit”I Thess 5:19 Quench not the Spirit. It is not all of life to live here nor all of death to die.
Your best friend and well wisher