Accession: L02515
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Clara E. Choate, October 18, 1883
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Clara E. Choate 
Date: October 18, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on lined printed stationery of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Student,

I have at last my answer from the Lord to the questionEditorial Note: See 025A.10.035 you put last eve, in the spirit of Christian Science viz. -- "Shall I take students? I am willing to do just as you say about it".

I answer this morning that momentous question that I have not been able to answer before. No, it is not for the interest of the causeEditorial Note: The Cause of Christian Science. that any student teach at present and it is for the best good of the causeEditorial Note: The Cause of Christian Science. that they send every student to me that is fit to study and that I keep on teaching at present; when I can stop God will tell me, and He As Written: he will also tell me when you can begin and all my students that are fit

Lovingly your Teacher
Mary B. G. Eddy
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Student,

I have at last my answer from the Lord to the questionEditorial Note: See 025A.10.035 you put last eve, in the spirit of Christian Science viz. -- "Shall I take students? I am willing to do just as you say about it".

I answer this morning that momentous question that I have not been able to answer before. No, it is not for the interest of the causeEditorial Note: The Cause of Christian Science. that any student you teach at present and it is for the best good of the causeEditorial Note: The Cause of Christian Science. that they send every student to me that is fit to study and that I keep on teaching at present; when I can stop God will tell me, and he Corrected: He will also tell me when you can begin and all my students that are fit

Lovingly your Teacher
Mary B. G. Eddy
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See 025A.10.035 The Cause of Christian Science. The Cause of Christian Science.