Accession: L02676
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Augusta Holmes Swasey, January 28, 1841
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Augusta Holmes Swasey 
Date: January 28, 1841 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on unlined paper.
Archival Note: The date of this letter is an archivist estimate.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Augusta,

Have you Surwalt's grammarAs Written:gramar? If so, would you do me the favor As Written: favour to loan it to me for a short time? I am told it is easier than Levizac'sEditorial Note: A theoretical and practical grammar of the French tongue by M. de Levizac (1829)– at least if it is not I shall have the horrors worse than last evening– after you left Are you well, and did you return safely? but answering echo must reply to this. Much love to Abi– As ever

your affectionateAs Written:aff

P. S. In looking over some books yesterday I spied an essayEditorial Note: This essay is not extant. I think must be yours will forward it the first opportunity

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Augusta,

Have you Surwalt's gramarCorrected:grammar? If so, would you do me the favour Corrected: favor to loan it to me for a short time? I am told it is easier than Levizac'sEditorial Note: A theoretical and practical grammar of the French tongue by M. de Levizac (1829)– at least if it is not I shall have the horrors worse than last evening– after you left Are you well, and did you return s [?] Unclear or illegible afely? but ans [?] Unclear or illegible wering echo must reply to this. Much love to Abi– As ever

your affExpanded:affectionate

P. S. In looking over some books yesterday I spied an essayEditorial Note: This essay is not extant. I think must be yours will forward it the first opportunity

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A theoretical and practical grammar of the French tongue by M. de Levizac (1829) This essay is not extant.