Use of the following what is best to and omit the rest. You wrote―
"If the science is what you claim" I need to know what you claimed for it to answer the question directly but this is a good argument―
The injury done to the student is done to his practice and in this way. If one student of metaphysics is treating his patients through mind and with mind and by request of the patients he is treating them, and another metaphysical malpractioner without permission of the patients goes to treating them mentally the effect is to make the patients worse if one doctor is counteracting the treatment of the other one. Its physical effect is worse than the mental effect even, and is like one parent that countermands the rules of other one and so spoils the child―
Or like one doctor giving a tonic and another one giving a cathartic to the same patient until the effect of these counteractions, causes such disturbance that the humane practitioner As Written: practioner stops, and lets the malpractioner deprive him of his patient rather than hurt him or see him killed. The malpractioner risks the life of the sick to gain his point and to cause them to conclude that the good student cannot cure them. The counteraction that the malpractioner produces is just as perceptible as the counter action produced by medicine and shows itself on the system in as much disturbance, besides the effect it has to change the faith of the patient, to discourage, etc.
The malpractioner who works through mind can hinder measurably the growth of the right practitioner As Written: practioner. The honest student is trying to grow better―the dishonest student one can suggest to him an opposite course and while the one is striving for high thoughts and deeds the other one by his mental action on his mind is depriving him of his own purpose or thoughts and suggesting counter thoughts, and he has to watch and work, involving a loss of time and opportunity As Written: oppertunity, to keep from the effect the suggestions sent from this mind would otherwise have upon him. They got up that shameful, diabolical plot to to try to make the good students appear murderers like themselves so as to cover their own silent deeds from detection and to stop the sale of Science and Health that exposed their wickedness. Spofford claimed As Written: clained Mrs Eddy feared him as a rival! when she refuses to doctor and has helped him to a practice and the fact is she tries to make us all do right and do all the good in our power Kennedy has got all his money practicing what he has called Mrs Eddy's method and now denies he ever practiced it or that it can be practiced because he sees the honest student can heal beyond him if he dont make so much money
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