Accession: L04656
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Julia Tuttle Moore, October 9, 1883
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Julia Tuttle Moore 
Date: October 9, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on lined Massachusetts Metaphysical College stationery.
Related Topic: 593B.61.010Click link to view 593B.61.010 document in new window, V00001Click link to view V00001 document in new window, V00002Click link to view V00002 document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs. Moor,

Your favorEditorial Note: See 593B.61.010 came duly and I reply at my very earliest opportunity As Written: opertunity . I hope your trip to New Orleans will relieve the tedium of you dislike for the West. Homesickness at home is not the most pleasant, it is sufficiently unpleasant away from home. I am as usual prospering. All, and more than I can do, I have constantly on hand. When my paper The Journal of Christian Science is issued I will send it. I am glad my dear Student, that you remember the key note of beingEditorial Note: The Scientific Statement of Being, found in Mary Baker Eddy’s book, Science and Health. and can heal your self according to it. But you ought also to be able to heal your husband. Callie knows how to keep herself well and I trust she will not neglect to do so.—

In my paper you will find the law suit I have had with Arens is ended and a notice As Written: notic of his ignominy and the justice done me will be there alsoEditorial Note: See V00001 and V00002. If I understood you to mean by your immortal Mind, God — which is the only eternal Mind, then I can answer, yes, you can get replies to questions of scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science from Him but those answers come with your own growth and not instantaneously, for God is not a person, but the divine Principle which you must understand in order to be answered by this

Mrs Choate is having all she can do and I believe most of my students are who are in practice. Hoping to see you this Winter if you come East I will close

Yours tenderly and truly
M. B. G. Eddy
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs. Moor,

Your favorEditorial Note: See 593B.61.010 came duly and I reply at my very earliest opertunity Corrected: opportunity . I hope your trip to New Orleans will relieve the tedium of you dislike for the West. Homesickness at home is not the most pleasant, it is sufficiently unpleasant away from home. I am as usual prospering. All, and more than I can do, I have constantly on hand. When my paper The Journal of Christian Science is issued I will send it. I am glad my dear Student, that you remember the key note of beingEditorial Note: The Scientific Statement of Being, found in Mary Baker Eddy’s book, Science and Health. and can heal your self according to it. But you ought also to be able to heal your husband. Callie knows how to keep herself well and I trust she will not neglect to do so.—

In my paper you will find the law suit I have had with Arens is ended and a notic Corrected: notice of his ignominy and the justice done me will be there alsoEditorial Note: See V00001 and V00002. If I understood you to mean by your immortal Mind, God — which is the only eternal Mind, then I can answer, yes, you can get replies to questions of scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science from Him but those answers come with your own growth and not instantaneously, for God is not a person, but the divine Principle which you must understand in order to be answered by this

Mrs Choate is having all she can do and I believe most of my students are who are in practice. Hoping to see you this Winter if you come East I will close

Yours tenderly and truly
M. B. G. Eddy
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See 593B.61.010 The Scientific Statement of Being, found in Mary Baker Eddy’s book, Science and Health. See V00001 and V00002 Christian Science