Am just in receipt of your very interesting letterEditorial Note: See 304.43.009.. You are right in all the conclusions therein named, and growing apace. The ultimatum of scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science is to know that nothing can harm us since God and His idea are all there is. Work right on in this line and I will make you a useful teacher if you come and take lessons with me at some future time not far distant
Am glad you have organized, now go on and find strength in union and rise to the realm of the real so that the unreal shall fast fade, and all you would be shall appear
Yes, my dear girl, I have always rejoiced at the resolution I formed to call you to my class, God has blessed it and will bless you yet more and more for your honest purpose to progress. I never saw the state of mind you named, that did not bring with it daily growth if it was kept up.
Respects to your husband
Address Prof. Mary B G Eddy Mass Met. Col.
All was ample under the circumstances and the long road will turn sometime and you will prosper, will turn just when you are fit for prosperity