Accession: L08657
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to James C. Howard, July 29, 1880
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: James C. Howard 
Date: July 29, 1880 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on lined paper.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Student,

I suppose the tangle over the CharterEditorial Note: The charter of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. belongs mostly to the Commissioner As Written: Commisioner although your almost unerring intuitions carry me to your side.

The Commissioner As Written: Commisioner tried not to let us get a Church CharterEditorial Note: This is a reference to the charter of the Church of Christ (Scientist). but he had to, at length, and my opinion is if there is anything they can object to, they will, Have it read the President may appoint his successor and so forth—see if that will be allowed

The best way is the one you suggested to let the by-laws As Written:by laws be such they cannot object to them and get our charterEditorial Note: The charter of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. then change the by-laws As Written:by laws if we can Your reference to the children of Israel was a word fitly spokenProv 25:11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. and I say with the MasterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ "suffer these things to be so now"Matt 3:13 ¶Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. Matt 3:14 But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? Matt 3:15 And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him. only Jesus was baptized when he knew the inefficacy of baptism Paul said when with the Romans do as the Romans doEditorial Note: The saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” did not originate with the Apostle Paul, but is attributed to Saint Ambrose. Ambrose is said to have recommended to Saint Augustine that he should follow the liturgical practices of whatever particular church he found himself in. I see the necessity of this to some extent although it does go against the grain most awfully with me I hope you are President of the C. S. A. but things were at their worst, but Shakespeare As Written: Shakspeare says "things at worst sometimes mend"Editorial Note: Probably an allusion to a statement by the character, Ross, in Shakespeare's play Macbeth (Act 4, Scene 2), "Things at the worst will cease, or else climb upward to what they were before." I am delighted with your perseverance in defiance of the M. SEditorial Note: mesmerists [?] it is as I did always but I feared to recommend that course My dear husband perused As Written: persued it always when the circumstances required and succeeded but the others have not and the defeat causes such confidence on the wrong side and such a lack of it on the right side that I had feared at last to risk an experiment Never fear that you trouble me to name your patients in the manner you do I am pleased to have you Think of the trouble we are giving you! but I know you do it gladly Here is a good place for a student and you are the student but the laws of the state prohibit all practice not recognized by the Medical faculty I have recently thought our diplomas will not pass the ordeal required by state laws I may be mistaken but God generally is correct and I get all available knowledge from Him I am going to see if the laws will let us settle here. Be silent. Love to the home circle

Ever yours truly

N. B.Editorial Note: Nota Bene Be sure and have a clause included in its proper place giving us the right to amend and to make new by laws, also the right to appoint additional offices etc Keep the reins in your own hands look out for EastmanEditorial Note: This may be a reference to either Edwin G. Eastman or to Charles J. Eastman, M.D. or Westman but I think the former is honest I may be mistaken


Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Student,

I suppose the tangle over the CharterEditorial Note: The charter of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. belongs mostly to the Commisioner Corrected: Commissioner although your almost unerring intuitions carry me to your side.

The Commisioner Corrected: Commissioner tried not to let us get a Church CharterEditorial Note: This is a reference to the charter of the Church of Christ (Scientist). but he had to, at length, and my opinion is if there is anything they can object to, they will, Have it read the President may appoint his successor and so forth—see if that will be allowed

The best way is the one you suggested to let the by lawsCorrected: by-laws be such they cannot object to them and get our charterEditorial Note: The charter of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. then change the by lawsCorrected: by-laws if we can Your reference to the children of Israel was a word fitly spokenProv 25:11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. and I say with the MasterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ "suffer these things to be so now"Matt 3:13 ¶Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. Matt 3:14 But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? Matt 3:15 And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him. only Jesus was baptized when he knew the inefficacy of baptism Paul said when with the Romans do as the Romans doEditorial Note: The saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” did not originate with the Apostle Paul, but is attributed to Saint Ambrose. Ambrose is said to have recommended to Saint Augustine that he should follow the liturgical practices of whatever particular church he found himself in. I see the necessity of this to some extent although it does go against the grain most awfully with me I hope you are President of the C. S. A. but things were at their worst, but Shakspeare Corrected: Shakespeare says "things at worst sometimes mend"Editorial Note: Probably an allusion to a statement by the character, Ross, in Shakespeare's play Macbeth (Act 4, Scene 2), "Things at the worst will cease, or else climb upward to what they were before." I am delighted with your perseverance in defiance of the M. SEditorial Note: mesmerists [?] it is as I did always but I feared to recommend that course My dear husband persued Corrected: perused it always when the circumstances required and succeeded but the others have not and the defeat causes such confidence on the wrong side and such a lack of it on the right side that I had feared at last to risk an experiment Never fear that you trouble me to name your patients in the manner you do I am pleased to have you Think of the trouble we are giving you! but I know you do it gladly Here is a good place for a student and you are the student but the laws of the state prohibit all practice not recognized by the Medical faculty I have recently thought our diplomas will not pass the ordeal required by state laws I may be mistaken but God generally is correct and I get all available knowledge from Him I am going to see if the laws will let us settle here. Be silent. Love to the home circle

Ever yours truly

N. B.Editorial Note: Nota Bene Be sure and have a clause included in its proper place giving us the right to amend and to make to make new by laws, also the right to appoint additional offices etc Keep the reins in your own hands look out for EastmanEditorial Note: This may be a reference to either Edwin G. Eastman or to Charles J. Eastman, M.D. or Westman but I think the former is honest I may be mistaken


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Mary Baker Eddy and Asa Gilbert Eddy lived at this address in Concord, New Hampshire, during July and August, 1880. The charter of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. This is a reference to the charter of the Church of Christ (Scientist). The charter of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. Jesus Christ The saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” did not originate with the Apostle Paul, but is attributed to Saint Ambrose. Ambrose is said to have recommended to Saint Augustine that he should follow the liturgical practices of whatever particular church he found himself in. Probably an allusion to a statement by the character, Ross, in Shakespeare's play Macbeth (Act 4, Scene 2), "Things at the worst will cease, or else climb upward to what they were before." mesmerists [?] Nota Bene This may be a reference to either Edwin G. Eastman or to Charles J. Eastman, M.D.