Accession: L08945
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Eldridge J. Smith, July 1, 1880
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Eldridge J. Smith 
Date: July 1, 1880 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on lined paper.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mr Smith
My dear Sir,

Your kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. came duly. I am very grateful for the accommodation but think duty is going to call me in another direction Those wicked students have united their purposes to ruin the blessedAs Written:bless cause, and yet the good that has been done by it would not be so easily forgotten were it not for the falsehoods the "Boston Herald" and one or two more prints of that stamp are continually circulating. Those papers are down on us be becauseAs Written:cause we are giving a death blow in this vicinity to "spiritualism" But God is on our side, for we know Truth is never separated from this divine support; but we also it has passed through the furnaceEditorial Note: There are numerous passages in the Bible regarding the refining process wherein “dross” is removed from silver and gold in a refiner’s furnace. Christians came to view this as a metaphor for spiritual growth. every time it has passed in higher proportions before the face of man, and before the blows of sectarianism have been turned back by God. I enclose you a hint (printed)Editorial Note: The “printed hint” is not extant. of what we are doing. May our FatherEditorial Note: God bring you to the support of this great cause and to receive its blest rewards

Please remember me to Mrs Smith and accept the kind remembrances of my husband

Very truly
M. B. Glover Eddy
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mr Smith
My dear Sir,

Your kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. came duly. I am very grateful for the accommodation but think duty is going to call me in another direction Those wicked students have united their purposes to ruin the blessCorrected:blessed cause, and yet the good that has been done by it would not be so easily forgotten were it not for the falsehoods the "Boston Herald" and one or two more prints of that stamp are continually circulating. Those papers are down on us be causeCorrected:because we are giving a death blow in this vicinity to "spiritualism" But God is on our side, for we know Truth is never separated from this divine support; but we also it has passed through the furnaceEditorial Note: There are numerous passages in the Bible regarding the refining process wherein “dross” is removed from silver and gold in a refiner’s furnace. Christians came to view this as a metaphor for spiritual growth. every time it has passed in higher proportions before the face of man, and before the blows of sectarianism have been turned back by God. I enclose you a hint (printed)Editorial Note: The “printed hint” is not extant. of what we are doing. May our FatherEditorial Note: God bring you to the support of this great cause and to receive its blest rewards

Please remember me to Mrs Smith and accept the kind remembrances of my husband

Very truly
M. B. Glover Eddy
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This letter is not extant. There are numerous passages in the Bible regarding the refining process wherein “dross” is removed from silver and gold in a refiner’s furnace. Christians came to view this as a metaphor for spiritual growth. The “printed hint” is not extant. God