Accession: L11163
Editorial Title: George R. Lucy to George Prescott, March 19, 1878
Author: George R. Lucy 
Recipient: George Prescott 
Date: March 19, 1878
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by George R. Lucy on lined paper.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I received your letter to day I send you an Order for both As Written: boath ways I wish you to come immediately for i think i have no time to lose As Written: loose as i am losing As Written: loosing the use of my self very fast and if you can cure me it will be wonderful When you arrive in San Francisco take a cab and come right to the house No 1225, Folsom St Bet 8 & 9

I will not stop to write any As Written: eny more so i will close hoping to see you soon

Yours Respectfully
G R Lucy

Handshift:unknownSpinal injury from a straining softening of the brain palsy

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I received your letter to day I send you an order Order for boath Corrected: both ways I wish you to come immediately for i think i have no time to loose Corrected: lose as i am loosing Corrected: losing the use of my self very fast and if you can cure me it will be wonderful When you arrive in San Francisco take a cab and come right to the house No 1225, Folsom St Bet 8 & 9

I will not stop to write eny Corrected: any more so i will close hoping to see you soon

Yours Respectfully
G R Lucy

Handshift:unknownSpinal injury from a straining softening of the p brain palsy

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