Your favors at hand. I had glanced at the printed articleEditorial Note: In a letter dated February 8, 1888, Woodhead had enclosed a copy of an article by her husband, published in a Chicago newspaper. The enclosure is not extant. before, and found strong points, and true ones. But the summing up of the whole matter was not there. Only because he does not understand the necessity in Science, that is, must be demonstrable. Others who think they understand this Science are straining out gnats and swallowing camels.
I am getting to be what I dislike, a fault-finder. So little is carried out just right. But I am thankful for the good that my dear students and all true believers in C.S. are doing. The only reason my sermons (that are seldom) do not appear in the MagazineAs Written:Mag. is they were not reported properly and so I stopped having them printedEditorial Note: In her February 8, 1888 letter, Woodhead had written: "I can not tell you how very much disappointed I am when I open my Christian Science Journal & do not find a letter from you personally or a sermon." I can't get a Reporter that can get my sermons.
I received with delight your beautiful PhotographEditorial Note: In her February 8, 1888 letter, Woodhead asked Eddy: "Did you receive my photograph I sent you in Nov? I wonder if it looks as you thought I looked?" and acknowledged it in a letter the very next day It does look as your mind indicates but was even more beautiful than I had expected. Regards to your husband
The only notice I gave of my new house was a few lines on "Removal" I dislike swells in all but the house itself