Dear Student
I have just held an interview with a gentleman, who tells me you are succeeding As Written: succeding, in his wife's As Written: wifes case As Written: cas , which gives me joy; and I expect your Father can read fine print without glasses by this time, and possibly he may under your treatment, succeed in seeing the truth of this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science with such accurateness, as to be led to come and study e'er long; and though one soweth and another reapethJohn 4:37 And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth. , yet we may all rejoice together in the harvest. We shall be pleased to have you come to the meeting of the Association Wednesday at five Oclock if you can. I especially wish to see you. Please bear my regards to your Father & Husband and accept a large share for your self