Accession: L16248
Editorial Title: Daniel Patterson to Mary Baker Eddy, April 2, 1862
Author: Daniel Patterson 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 2, 1862
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Daniel Patterson on embossed lined paper from Richmond, Virginia.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

You will be amazed to learn that I am in prison in the confederate State’s prisonEditorial Note: Most likely Libby Prison; a tobacco factory located in Richmond, Virginia, that became a Confederate prison in March 1862 during the American Civil War., but it is so, I was taken one week ago today. Give yourself no uneasiness about me I have found very gentlemanly As Written: gentlemenly officers and friendly gentlemen as fellow prisoners, But God alone can tell what will become of my poor sick wife with none near to care for her "but God who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb" will care for you, I have no care except for you- I left my travelling bag and a new pair of boots at 381 Pennsylvania As Written: Pensylvania avenueAs Written:avanue WashingtonEditorial Note: Washington, D.C. at Mrs, C, W, Heydon's– perhaps you had better write to our representative in congressAs Written:congres T. M, Edwards M.C, and ask him to see that I am exchanged if there is any exchange of citizens As Written: citizans – I became somewhat acquainted with him while in WashingtonAs Written:W, if you write to me direct by way of Fortress MunroeEditorial Note: Fort Monroe is a military installation located in Hampton, Virginia, on a peninsula overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. It was the only federal military installation in the Upper South to remain under United States control throughout the American Civil War. and put on a confederate state stamp which I will enclose if I can find one, and also a United States one, I would send you some money if I thought it safe, and I would write more but fear if too long it will not pass, it will have to be sent unsealed as yours must also, write short and plain or it will be burned perhaps instead of forwarded– My anxiety for you is intens[*]Gap: letter.Reason: scan cut off. but be of as good cheer as possible and trust in God

Your Affectionate Husband
D, Patterson

Direct to me a prisoner of war in care of General Winder

P,S, They tell me that the Postage from fortress MonroeEditorial Note: Fort Monroe is a military installation located in Hampton, Virginia, on a peninsula overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. It was the only federal military installation in the Upper South to remain under United States control throughout the American Civil War. here will paid here so just put on the stamp as you do any other—

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

You will be amazed to learn that I am in prison in the confederate State’s prisonEditorial Note: Most likely Libby Prison; a tobacco factory located in Richmond, Virginia, that became a Confederate prison in March 1862 during the American Civil War., but it is so, I was taken one week ago today. Give yourself no uneasiness about me I have found very gentlemenly Corrected: gentlemanly officers and friendly gentlemen as fellow prisoners, But God alone can tell what will become of my poor sick wife with none near to care for her "but God who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb" will care for you, I have no care except for you- I left my travelling bag and a new pair of boots at 381 Pensylvania Corrected: Pennsylvania avanueCorrected:avenue WashingtonEditorial Note: Washington, D.C. at Mrs, C, W, Heydon's– perhaps you had better write to our representative in congresCorrected:congress [?] Unclear or illegible  T. M, Edwards M.C, an [?] Unclear or illegible d ask him to see that I am exchanged if there is any exchange of citizans Corrected: citizens – I became somewhat acquainted with him while in W,Expanded:Washington if you write to me direct by way of Fortress MunroeEditorial Note: Fort Monroe is a military installation located in Hampton, Virginia, on a peninsula overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. It was the only federal military installation in the Upper South to remain under United States control throughout the American Civil War. and put on a confederate state stamp which I will enclose if I can find one, and also a United States one, I would send you some money if I thought it safe, and I would write more but fear if too long it will not pass, it will have to be sent unsealed as yours must also, write short and plain or it will be burned perhaps instead of forwarded– My anxiety for you is intens[*]Gap: letter.Reason: scan cut off. but be of as good cheer as possible and trust in God

Your Affectionate Husband
D, Patterson

Direct to me a prisoner of war in care of General Winder

P,S, They tell me that the Postage from fortress MuonuroeEditorial Note: Fort Monroe is a military installation located in Hampton, Virginia, on a peninsula overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. It was the only federal military installation in the Upper South to remain under United States control throughout the American Civil War. here will paid here so just put on the stamp as you do any other—

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Most likely Libby Prison; a tobacco factory located in Richmond, Virginia, that became a Confederate prison in March 1862 during the American Civil War. Washington, D.C. Fort Monroe is a military installation located in Hampton, Virginia, on a peninsula overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. It was the only federal military installation in the Upper South to remain under United States control throughout the American Civil War. Fort Monroe is a military installation located in Hampton, Virginia, on a peninsula overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. It was the only federal military installation in the Upper South to remain under United States control throughout the American Civil War.