Accession: L17365
Editorial Title: Charles J. Eastman to Mary Baker Eddy, June 29, 1882
Author: Charles J. Eastman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 29, 1882
Archival Note: See 511.56.004Click link to view 511.56.004 document in new window to view the original document for this transcription.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs. Eddy:

I will make two new By-Laws for the College so as to de-bar those objectionable persons from acting in any capacity whatever, and at the next meeting they can be acted upon. I will bring the copy of what I make over next Saturday and let you see the text of them. Now my dear Mrs Eddy always keep in mind that I shall always sustain and stand by you in whatever you undertake. Let come what will in me you have a true and firm friend.

Most sincerely yours
Dr Eastman.

Handshift:Mary Baker EddyE. 1882

Handshift:Charles J. EastmanArticle Any member absenting him or herself from one regular annual meeting or two special meetings of said corporation shall unless in case of sickness or a reasonable excuse given at a meeting of said corporation have his or her name dropped from the corporate roll and be so declared as ceasing from the date of said meeting to be a member of said corporation.

Article The President with the approval of the Directors shallAs Written:shal have full powers and control of the Instruction in said Corporation and shall employ such teachers and Agents as they think best.

Handshift:unknownAny Member or the corporation absent for three consecutive [] special or one annual meeting without valid reason shall be liable to expulsion.

Handshift:Mary Baker EddyWould he amend the amendment of Article 8th of the Constitution so as to read any member who has been absent from three consecutive

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs. Eddy:

I will make two new By-Laws for the College so as to de-bar those objectionable persons from acting in any capacity whatever, and at the next meeting they can be acted upon. I will bring the copy of what I make over next Saturday and let you see the text of them. Now my dear Mrs Eddy always keep in mind that I shall always sustain and stand by you in whatever you undertake. Let come what will in me you have a true and firm friend.

Most sincerely yours
Dr Eastman.

Handshift:Mary Baker EddyE. 1882

Handshift:Charles J. EastmanArticle Any member absenting him or herself from one regular annual meeting or two special meetings of said corporation shall unless in case of sickness or a reasonable excuse given at a meeting of said corporation have their his or her name dropped from the corporate roll and be so declared as ceasing from the date of said meeting to be a member of said corporation.

Article The President with the approval of the Directors shalCorrected:shall have full powers and control of the Instruction in said Corporation and shall employ such teachers and Agents as they deem think best.

Handshift:unknownAny Member or the corporation absent for three consecutive [illegible] special or one annual meeting without valid reason shall be liable to expulsion.

Handshift:Mary Baker EddyWould he amend Amendment of the amendment of Article 8th of the Constitution so as to read any member who has been absent from three consecutive

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