Accession: V00785
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to John L. S. Roberts, October 11, 1883
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: John L. S. Roberts 
Date: October 11, 1883
Manuscript Description: Letterpress copy of a letter handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy.
Editorial Note: This letter references the Eddy v. Arens lawsuit.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

The editor of the GlobeEditorial Note: Boston Globe wrote meEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. yesterday -- "I made a good straightforward As Written: straight forward offer to print anything that your counsel might write. That offer he refused, and therefore, in order to try and satisfy both sides I wrote the paragraph printed"

That refusal has cost me this absurd article & hushed the matter for Arens.

You had advised me before the decision of the case to print the facts of Arens. Was it the trick of his lawyer to get you to change the process and advise the plaintiff to hush up the facts?

I cannot doubt but you advised your client in a way to promote her interests, then was it not when you said publish him strong through the newspapers?

Now I wish you to write a strong denial of this version of Mr. Palmers in the GlobeEditorial Note: Boston Globe over your own signature. (I inclose his article) You will then have done full justice to yourself and client and taken the Editor at his own proposal. If he refuses to print it The TravellerEditorial Note: Boston Evening Traveller or TranscriptEditorial Note: Boston Evening Transcript will do it. I feel aggrieved As Written: aggarieved at the conclusion of this matter when all the advantage was on our side. I will pay the cost of it all.

Yours truly
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

The editor of the GlobeEditorial Note: Boston Globe wrote meEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. yesterday -- "I made a good straight forward Corrected: straightforward offer to print anything that your counsel might write. That offer he refused, and therefore, in order to try and satisfy both sides I wrote the paragraph printed"

That refusal has cost me this absurd article & hushed the matter for Arens.

You had advised me before the decision of the case to print the facts of Arens. Was it the trick of his lawyer to get you to change the process and advise the plaintiff to hush up the facts?

I cannot doubt but you advised your f client in a way to promote her interests, then was it not when you said publish him strong through the newspapers? Of is

Now I wish you to write a strong denial of this version of Mr. Palmers in the GlobeEditorial Note: Boston Globe over your own signature. (I inclose his article) You will then have done full justice to yourself and client and taken the Editor at his own proposal. If he refuses to print it The TravellerEditorial Note: Boston Evening Traveller or TranscriptEditorial Note: Boston Evening Transcript will do it. I feel aggarieved Corrected: aggrieved at the conclusion of this matter when all the advantage was on our side. To I will pay the cost of it all.

Yours truly
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Boston Globe This letter is not extant. Boston Globe Boston Evening Traveller Boston Evening Transcript