Since replying to your letter I have received a request from the West to take two classes, one in Milwaukee and another in Chicago.
It will be injurious to my business to leave Boston so long and I never take classes in such quick succession. I do for my students more than can be done without an
interval between my classes! If Mr. Sawyer is not willing to look up a class for me in Chicago, (and many there are expecting me already) until after I have one in Milwaukee, I shall disappoint some people very much, which I dislike to do. I always keep my agreements and expect others will do so.
Do you see the advantage it will be to your side, which is the true one, to have a few more able promulgators of this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science in Chicago, which I certainly will furnish if I teach there? I wish you would reply at once, if you know of twelve who would join my class, -- if you desire me to come. It is a great and unpleasant task for me, but it has gone so far and I have arranged my business here, closed my Sunday services written to the applicants to wait for the College course until autumn, etc, until I find myself greatly embarrassedAs Written:embarrased to stop this enterprise. In haste with love to all. Please write by
return mail.
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