How I do long to see you and have a talk with you! We had our first morning service & there were about thirty present but as they are not generally known as being here Sunday morning many were not here that would have been. I opened with a song, then prayer, then reading the Scriptures, then a short talk, then I asked for questions and on the whole, think I made it interesting for many said they should come again & this is the proof I suppose. Another student joined my class so that makes six in this one and you alone can conceive how hard I am working, with a Class, 40 patients, three meetings a week beside the Sunday & Asso. -- to attend to and yet they are all going on smoothly and never was I in such demand to heal as now sometimes ten or a dozen waiting in the parlor at a time to see me and each one knows of some cure I have made and so I must take their case. I find it does not work well to turn them from me and so am working night & day almost.
Mr. Smith brought me in the Lynn paperEditorial Note: The Lynn Union and don’t my resolutions suit you on paper? My pen & my tongue shall yet tell the truth of you to the world. I can hardly wait for you to come & my receptions of you shall be truly grand!!!! I begin my talks in LawrenceEditorial Note: Lawrence, Massachusetts this week Tuesday and I & my students have sold there as many as we have in Boston. I am out of books and who can get me more?Editorial Note: Clara E. Choate was selling copies of Mary Baker Eddy’s book, Science and Health. I will take 28 18 eighteen more copies --
How much one can do if they only put themselves to action. Well my absent but not forgotten loved one I send you my best thought & hope soon to see you and my heart & home shall give you a hearty welcome.
Mrs. Woodbury is so true & faithful and yet so few like her any more than myself. I will forward a paper to you Please give regards to Dr.Editorial Note: Asa Gilbert Eddy. Eddy did not have a medical degree, but in the nineteenth century, persons practicing various “healing arts” were often called “doctor.” & tell him to take good care of you for he is honored in having the charge.
And now it is dark & I must close with best love
Loving Student