Accession: 025B.10.008
Editorial Title: George D. Choate to Mary Baker Eddy, November 29, 1881
Author: George D. Choate 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 29, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by George D. Choate on lined paper from Attleboro, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Choate hopes that Eddy will read his letter and help him, advise him, and show him the way out or he will be in "hot water." He writes that Eddy knows and God knows it is false (the issue he's referring to is not clear from the letter). Choate thought he had everything ready for Friday night, but he finds that there will be a caretaker at the church that evening. He wants to know if Eddy can come on Friday, December 9. Choate tells Eddy that Mr. Hunt (possibly Eliot Hunt, who ran a printers and booksellers in Attleboro, Massachusetts, and also published The Attleboro Chronicle) does not like the notice in the Herald of Health, as the writer says nothing himself but only tells what Eddy claims. Mr. Hunt is reviewing the books and will report the lecture. Eddy may expect something "very good." Choate has cured Mr. Hunt's wife and daughter and is now giving Mr. Hunt Christian Science treatment. Choate writes that he pities Kate Barker and is doing all he can for her, but as soon as he stops helping her she "drops." He asks that Eddy advise him as soon as possible, as he cannot do much with this additional weight on his mind.
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