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I received a letter from my son in BuffaloEditorial Note: Buffalo, New York requesting me to call and see you, in answer to a Telegraph saying, you had decided to form another Class June 1st, this being your reception day, it was impossible for me to call, and this is my reason for writing, thinking you might wish to know at once if he could come on at that time; I had written him your next class would not be formed until September, and he had made no arrangements to take his vacation before then; consequently it will be impossible for him to leave at this time; I am very sorry, but see no way now but to wait patiently until then.
I must As Written: muste tell you how badly I feel; it is impossible for my Husband and myself to spare the amount of money you named to go through your Class; we would gladly do it, and more if we could but it is impossible, therefore we are obliged to give it up; but it is the greatest disappointment of my life; I would willingly, yes it would be my greatest enjoyment to spend the rest of my time here, working for the advancement of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, and the building a Church to the honor and glory of our FatherEditorial Note: God, in whom we live, and move, and have our beingActs 17:27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: Acts 17:28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. ; he is in truth our all, and there is nothing beside him; I have made ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science a study sufficiently to be able to demonstrate feebly, but this does not satisfy me; I long to known more; to be able to save the sinner, as well as heal the sick; to work for God is the desire of my heart; and nothing but your own teaching will satisfy me; I know there are a number of your scholars who are teaching, but my desire is to learn directly from you, and shall not give it up entirely, but leave my desire with GodAs Written:god, and he will open the way in his own good time.
If not to much trouble will you let me know what you would take me alone for; Mr LeonardEditorial Note: Francis Oscar Leonard is willing to wait a little longer if we cannot study togetherAs Written:to-gether; will you let me know as soon as convenient; if possible for me to meet your terms, will let you know at once; I am so anxious to begin my practice at once; I am having calls every week from parties (knowing how much interested I am in this work) asking who shall we call upon for treatment in when we shall be safe from mesmerism; hoping to hear from you very soon I will close my long note by saying you will, without doubt have Frank in September, and I know you will have no cause for discouragement from him in any way.
Please excuse all mistakes as this has of necessity been very hurriedly As Written: hurridly written.