Accession: 210.35.001
Editorial Title: Hanover P. Smith to Mary Baker Eddy, February 23, 1882
Author: Hanover P. Smith 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: February 23, 1882
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Hanover P. Smith from Boston, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Smith begins by saying it has been four weeks since he has seen Mary Baker Eddy and he misses her (the Eddys were in Washington, D.C., at the time). Most of his letter concerns tenants at Eddy's house at 8 Broad Street in Lynn, Massachusetts. One tenant discussed is Edwin R. Robbins (whom Smith calls "Mr. Robinson"). Smith wonders if any of "those fellows" (probably the mental malpractitioners, Richard Kennedy, Daniel H. Spofford, and Edward J. Arens) are in Washington, D.C., yet. He says that "Dick" (probably Richard Kennedy) is still at home.
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