I am in receipt of your ever welcome letter of the 8th InstEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., and am surprised not a little to learn that you did not receive my last communication. Your note of warning was duly receivedAs Written:recd and I thank you for it, for I know your only motive is my good, and protection from the Subtlety of the enemy.
I sent you quite a lengthy letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. relating the circumstance of the effort to entrap me and how I was enabled to meet it and escape the snare of the fowlerPs 91:3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. . That letter must have crossed yours & I regret you did not get it, but I got yours and shall profit by it. Perhaps you knew that in my present position I should become a conspicuous target for mortal mind, which is indeed the case, and I presume will become more so as my loyalty to the truth is giving me increasing influence. Thus far the Shield of faith - the growing understanding of Life, Truth and Love – enables me to quench all the firey darts of the Evil oneEph 6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. . Miss Brown desires me to say, that your letter was duly received and would have been Answered before this but for a pressure of work. She is doing all she can to expose the error of the Hopkins School. Indeed we let no opportunity pass in turning the full light of Truth upon the grievous As Written: grevious error that Mesmerism should be let alone, And because of it, I question whether there is another place in the UnitedAs Written:U States that gets more broadsides of red hot shot from the enemy than we do, unless it is 571 C- Avenue – Boston.
The work is growing gloriously. I am not yet preaching on the Sabbath, but conducting after Bro Day's Service Miss Brown's large Bible Class, beside my own on a Saturday Afternoon, which now numbers about 50 persons. It is a class of great interest. We last week organized our Students Association under the Charter of the National Ass- Our Association is composed of first class material We number I think about 30, it is constantly growing, and promises to be a mighty power. We are negotiating for a commodious Hall or rooms as headquarters As Written: head quarters for Christian ScientistsAs Written:C Scientists. Indeed our hands are full of work, We never have a moment unemployed or know what it is to feel a melancholy void.
In fervent Christian love in which Miss B- joins,
You will be delighted to learn that Bro Day is growing and preaching in splendid style. I shall endeavor to prove a worthy member of the Ass- and church and herewith enclose five dollarsEditorial Note: $5.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $155.67 in 2022. towards its expenses.