I am writing this in Chicago. shall return home at Eleven A M.
I have conducted successfully Lecture courses. Sunday School Concerts; Revival Meetings. Theatrical Entertainments: but in all: not in the Method I am attempting this enterprise of your coming westEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy taught a class in Chicago in May 1884.. and what the difference? only this: I have been trying to get the “Mountain to come to Mohamet.”Editorial Note: This is an allusion to the saying: “If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain.” and it won’t As Written: wont succeed: Chicago and Milwaukee will not harmonize As Written: harmonise , they are too large cities: What shall we do then: give up the enterprise? not at all;
And now dear friend: let me protest against any selfish or personal motives influencing me in this, for I feel confident that God has now revealed the only and most feasible As Written: feasable plan, and that came this morning before arising. Wisdom said, conduct this as you would, and have a course of Lectures, and you will plant Christian Science on a firm basis both in Milwaukee and Chicago. Allow me to briefly outline what I hope you will acquiesce in, and not require the whys, and wherefores which would be very lengthy to give in letter. And I know you will agree, with me that it is, or was the best way, and for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science..
This then is it. - Come to Milwaukee just as quick as you can. say start Thursday May 1st. Sunday, at our house, to a few whom As Written: whoom we would gather, you speak upon any subject you may select, begin the class Monday or Tuesday, and the lessons to occupy only 18 days. At the close of the class in Milwaukee I will have one organized in Chicago for a session of 18 days, or even a shorter period of time. and thus give both cities the benefit of your teaching. Now you ask: how about monetary matters: the first arrangement will have to be given up, but I can make more money for you by this last plan, and give the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. a start which no other way could and if you will accede As Written: acceed to it, give yourself no anxiety about it, I pledge you in the name of God As Written: Him whom As Written: whoom you and I I and you, are working for you will have only occasion to rejoice.
The whole time of your absence from BostonAs Written:B – will be only a slight increase: and the good you can accomplish and the increase of your future college fund, will amply repay for all. Do not refuse me this? nor delay your coming in the least: I feel it is God’s plan, which I can prove to you, I do believe. for even now the reasons crowd thick and fast, and I am tempted to try and give you some. I have seen Mr Sherman’s, and there is no discord, for I won’t As Written: wont allow it; no “Mal” can, or shall stop this enterprise.
What we do now must be done quickly. – on receipt of this please telegraph that you agree. I will send you a letter descriptive of your easiest and best route.Editorial Note: See 237AP1.38.035. I expect on my return today As Written: to day to find a letter from you, and will be guided in my route business, by its contents.
I left Milwaukee Thursday Morning at 3 o’clock, so I am not aware of what is awaiting my return.
Again let me plead with you, dear friend, not to refuse my suggestions for I do not see wherein you can plant the standard of Christian Science here in the west to better advantage. there be such a method. in fact all the difference being you will be away from Boston a little longer.
I have gathered you two as pleasant classes, as you could wish, and I think easy to teach in comparison to some you have
Then we shall break the spell of Mrs Choate over the KlepsersEditorial Note: George C. Klepser and Charlotte Klepser. in Milwaukee and establish ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science in Chicago, and Mr Charles foundations must crumble and fall.
Telegraph me at once that you accept, then write what day and train you start, I would give ten dollarsEditorial Note: $10.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $276.89 in 2017., yes five tens to see you this morning, for even an hours conversation, but I know you will come, for certainly “ the time of your departure is at hand,II Tim 4:6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. ” and God bids you go forward.