Accession: 237B.38.040
Editorial Title: Jennie E. Sawyer to Mary Baker Eddy, February 18, 1884
Author: Jennie E. Sawyer 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: February 18, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Jennie E. Sawyer on lined paper from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Related Topic: 237AP1.38.021Click link to view 237AP1.38.021 document in new window, 237B.38.052Click link to view 237B.38.052 document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs Eddy.

I feel impelled to write you of our work through God. I will begin with what seems the most unsuccessful but it is not so. for God has and will work wonders in even this case. Dr has often written you of "Charley Briggs" I have often assisted Dr by first taking up any opposition that might be brought to bear, to retard the fruits of his labors also to give him courage and strength to go boldly to the throne of graceHeb 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. & claim Gods promises. Charlie gained nicely on our return from Boston. he was about the House. I was occupied with my own patients. Dr was treating him faithfully. but any material things required his attention after so long an absence. and I can readily see, we did not guard ourselves against the enemys work as we should have done. it came about differently than we anticipated. Unbeknown to us Charlies people had allowed a neighbor, a deacon of their church, to call every evening, to talk, read & pray with Charley. after his call the Father would follow him out & they would talk over the impossibility of Charleys recovery finally two ministers were called in, talked, & prayed & desired to administer the sacrament. all this time we were talking metaphysicia and mentally urging the Truth. not aware of our work being innocently undermined by these people. poor Charley, began "apparently" to rapidly fail. his people notified his Lady love; & she came to remain until the end. also young friends from C. came to see him for the last time. Oh: Mrs Eddy, God only knows how we worked. this was all before Dr wrote you. on the 3rdAs Written:3d of Feb. his father & sister came to Dr & begged him to do more. he came home and we treated Charley until we felt we had entered into the life which is God the only life that man reflects.

We covered the whole ground up to the light we had. Dr called in the evening & found Charley had suddenly rose from his chair late in the afternoon, walked into the bedroom. (without his cane) and while in his room did what he wished withoutAs Written:with out his mothers assistance & returned to his chair. that seemed a victory, and there was great rejoicing with us. still we did not give up our labor. we treated him before retiring & I being wakefulAs Written:wake ful thought of him much during the night. Sunday we called late in the afternoon, found Charley in bed with friends all about him, with long faces & every act expressing apprehension. we were left alone with Charley. & found "he was afraid to get up as in doing so, his bowels might move & he was so constipated a movement brought pilesEditorial Note: hemorrhoids & during the action his strength all left him & he feared the result this was his statement) we talked but a few moments. asking which had divine right to dictate terms man or bowels! which was the reflection of God. man or bowels! of course he answered, "man," then we told him to get up and by his act show where his strength came from, & who was master of the situation. I done most of the talking, and my dear Teacher, my heart was fairly wrung to see that dear boy. struggle, (physically speaking) we passed into the other room & there treated him, and Mrs Eddy, he got up with but little assistance, walked to his chair ordered a ham sandwichAs Written:sand wich & cup of coffee, ate. drank and looked better than before in two days. (he had not eaten anything before in two days) Now: he will conquerAs Written:conquor. I think the light of truth has dawned upon him. on Monday, we found out about the ministers & deacons prayers & scriptural explanations. Charley incidentally let it all out. he said the night before he woke up with an idea of who Charley Briggs was. he had suddenly caught on to the immortality of life. he awakened his mother & said "Oh! Mother, I have an idea!" Dr shall know first. but I have got it." I know who Charley is now."

come to find out, that dear boy. had suffered (nightmareAs Written:night mare in belief) between the different explanations, he had a bedfulAs Written:bed full of Charley's. he said there was "immortal Charley". and mortal Charley". "material Charley" some had flesh blood & bones & some were spiritual, sometimesAs Written:some times there were six Charleys in his bed. & he fought constantly to place them all under one name. & one power.

Now that was a revelation As Written: revalation to us we compelled them to stop talking religion to him from their material standpoint & no more calls from zealous friends who would kill the body to save the soul. Charley is improving & sits up, walks about considerable, Now: as to my own work. I took a patient with cur vature of spine. deafness in one ear, and her arm. perfectly useless. could not open her hand, arm in a sling, caused from inflammatory As Written: inflamitory rheumatism, (in belief) after two treatments she used her arm & hand freely her business is writing. but she went about her work as usual. After one weeks treatment her back seemed to straighten so that she is now able to wear a straight corset instead of one fitted to a curvature. as before. she was able to be about the home during her monthly trouble. and although only two weeks since she commenced she is rapidly improving & feels sure of cure. I feel to thank God. day & night that through even me such things can come to pass. I am treating a sister who has a belief of Insanity her reports are very favorable also a man who has stammered (a birthmarkAs Written:birth mark) he also has various chronic beliefs. I am treating four regular patients besides many friends. I have nothing unfavorable to report & have not as yet been obliged to ask Dr's aid. only on myself against mesmeric attack.

I wish to speak candidly of my husband. Dr has surmounted many difficulties. I cannot help but feel proud of his courageous and noble efforts to stem the tide of public opinion. he had won an enviable reputation in his profession, and of course. his best patrons will express their disapprobation of his doing such an impracticable thing, as retiring from Dentistry. (that is their view). and he is in a way looked upon disapprovingly by the good church members. (I sincerely hope God will forgive them their narrow views") He being a great lover of social things had his "Lodge", & "Curling Club." composed of the best men in the City, & they cant understand what this is, that can so occupy him. so many questions foolish & unanswerable are raised. but Mrs Eddy. I feel to cling to you as to a Mother. through you, we were brought to the light. & Dr will stand firm, & I shall stand close to him. friends who cant tolerate the change in us can fall back. I have suffered adversity & sickness over thirty years for error & belief. I can sacrifice a few friends if need be, for Truths sake. Dont try to answer As Written: answere this letter I always read yours to Dr. & I feel we draw heavily upon your time. but this western country is large, & things must move or they get left behind. Dr is thorough, and acts promptly. I fear sometimes he crowds you, but positively if your College had been as long at ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois as at BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts the whole northwestAs Written:north west would have been roused to action and adopted your methods or denounced it, pronounced it a fraud & left it to die a natural death. it is either be somethingAs Written:some thing or be nothing with the thriving west. I feel sure you cannot help but feel encouraged when your Science once gets planted here.

Please kindly thank Mrs Leavett for me, she is a christian spirit, showed her interest at the west, by remembering us each day for the past month. I feel she has enabled me to escape much. as all my patients have steadily improved from the first. Accept my love & earnest wish for the best of success in next class.

Mrs S. J. Sawyer.
809 Grand Ave.
WisconsinAs Written:Wis.

P.S. I forgot to say just as Dr thought his Dental practice As Written: practise was disposed of. the young man received As Written: recieved a letter of dangerous sickness of an uncle, which would call him east. so business matters are still unsettled. then the constant importunities of Mrs Silsbee. kept us on the "ragged edge" (metaphorically speaking) I feel you will take in the situation and judge accordingly

Yours sincerely Mrs S. J. S.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs Eddy.

I feel impelled to write you of our work through God. I will begin with what seems the most un [?] Unclear or illegible successful but it is not so. for God has and will work wonders in even this case. Dr has often written you of "Charley Briggs" I have often assisted Dr by first taking up any opposition that might be brought to bear, to retard the fruits of his labors also to give him courage and strength to go boldly to the throne of graceHeb 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. & claim Gods promises. Charlie gained nicely on our return from Boston. he was about the House. I was occupied with my own patients. Dr was treating him faithfully. but [?] Unclear or illegible  any material things required his attention after so long an absence. and I can readily see, we did not guard ourselves against the enemys work as we should have done. it came about differently than we anticipated. Unbeknown to us Charlies people had allowed a neighbor, a deacon of their c [?] Unclear or illegible hurch, to call eve [?] Unclear or illegible ry evening, [?] Unclear or illegible to talk, read & p [?] Unclear or illegible ray with Charley. after his call the Father would follow him out & they would talk over the impossibility of Charleys recovery finally two ministers were called in, talked, & prayed & desired to administer the sacrament. all this time we were talking metaphysicia and mentally urging the Truth. not aware of our work being innocently undermined by these people. poor Charley, began "apparently" to rapidly fail. his people notified his Lady love; & she came to remain until the end. also young friends from C. came to see him for the last time. Oh: Mrs Eddy, God only knows how we worked. this was all before Dr wrote you. on the 3dOriginal:3rd of Feb. his father & sister came to Dr & begged him to do more. he came home and we treated Charley until we felt we had entered into the life which is God the only life that that man reflects.

We covered the whole ground up to the light we had. Dr called in the evening & found Charley had suddenly rose from his chair late in the afternoon, walked into the bedroom. (without his cane) and while in his [?] Unclear or illegible  room did what he wished with outCorrected:without his mothers assistance & returned to his chair. that seemed a victory, and there was great rejoicing with [?] Unclear or illegible  us. still we did not give up our labor. we treated him before retiring & I being wake fulCorrected:wakeful thought of him much during the night. Sunday we called late in the afternoon, found Charley in bed with friends all about him, with long faces & every act expressing apprehension. we were left alone with Charley. & found "he was afraid to get up as in doing so, his bowels might move & he was so constipated a movement brought pilesEditorial Note: hemorrhoids & during the action his strength all left him & he feared the result this was his statement) we talked but a few moments. asking which had divine right to dictate terms man or bowels! which was the reflection of God. man or bowels! of course he answered, "man," then we told him to get up and by his act show where his strength came from, & who was master of the situation. I done most of the talking, and my dear Teacher, my heart was fairly wrung to see that dear boy. struggle, (physically speaking) we passed into the other room & th [?] Unclear or illegible ere treated him, and Mrs Eddy, he got up with but little assistance, walked to his chair ordered a ham sand wichCorrected:sandwich & cup of coffee, ate. drank and looked better than before in two days. (he had not eaten anything before in two days) Now: he will conquorCorrected:conquer. I think the light of truth has dawned upon him. on Monday, we found out about the ministers & deacons prayers & scriptural explanations. Charley incidentally let it all out. he said the night before he woke up with an idea of who Charley Briggs was. he had suddenly caught on to the immortality of life. he awakened his mother & said "Oh! Mother, I have an [?] Unclear or illegible  idea!" Dr shall know first. but I have got it." I know who Charley is now."

come to find out, that dear boy. had suffered (night mareCorrected:nightmare in belief) between the different explanations, he had a bed fullCorrected:bedful of Charley's. he said there was "immortal Charley". and mortal Charley". "material Charley" some had flesh blood & bones & some were spiritual, some timesCorrected:sometimes there were six Charleys in his bed. & he fought constantly to place them [?] Unclear or illegible  all under one name. & one power.

Now that was a revalation Corrected: revelation to us we compelled them to stop talking religion to him from their material standpoint & no more calls from zealous friends who would kill the body to save the soul. Charley is improving & sits up, walks about considerable, Now: as to my own work. I took a patient with cur [?] Unclear or illegible  vature of spine. deafness in one ear, and her arm. perfectly useless. could not open her hand, arm in a sling, caused from inflamitory Corrected: inflammatory rheumatism, (in belief) after two treatments she used her arm & hand freely her business is writing. but she went about her work as usual. a After one weeks treatment her back seemed to straighten so that she is now able to wear a straight corset instead of one fitted to a curvature. as before. she was able to be about the home during her monthly trouble. and although only two weeks since she commenced she is rapidly improving & feels sure of cure. I feel to thank God. day & night that through even me such things can come to pass. I am treating a sister who has a beliefe of iInsanity her reports are very favorable also a man who has stammered (a birth markCorrected:birthmark) he also has various chronic beliefs. I am treating four regular patients besides many friends. I have nothing unfavorable to report & have not as yet been obliged to ask Dr's aid. only on myself against mesmeric attack.

I wish to speak candidly of my husband. Dr has surmounted many difficulties. I cannot help but feel proud of his courageous and noble efforts to stem the tide of public opinion. he had [?] Unclear or illegible  won an enviable reputation in his profession, and of course. his best patrons will express their disapprobation of his doing such an impracticable thing, as retiring from [?] Unclear or illegible Dentistry. (that is their view). and he is in a way looked upon disapprovingly by the good church members. (I sincerely hope God will f [?] Unclear or illegible orgive them their narrow views") He being a great lover of social things had his "Lodge", & "Curling Club." composed of the best [?] Unclear or illegible  men in the City, & they cant understand what this is, that can so occupy him. so many questions foolish & unanswerable are raised. but Mrs Eddy. I feel to cling to you as to a Mother. through you, we were brought to the light. & Dr will stand firm, & I shall stand close to him. friends who cant tolerate the change in us can fall back. I have suffered adversity & sickness over thirty years for error & belief. I can sacrifice a few friends if need be, for Truths sake. Dont t [?] Unclear or illegible ry to answere Corrected: answer this letter I always read you [?] Unclear or illegible rs to Dr. & I feel we draw heavily u [?] Unclear or illegible pon your time. but this western country is large, & things must move or they get left behind. Dr is thorough, and acts promptly. I fear sometimes he crowds you, but positively if your College had been [?] Unclear or illegible  as long at ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois as at BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts the whole north westCorrected:northwest would h [?] Unclear or illegible ave been roused to action and adopted your methods or denounced it, pronounced it a fraud & left it to die a natural death. it is either be some thingCorrected:something or be nothing with [?] Unclear or illegible  the thriving west. I feel sure you cannot help but feel encouraged when your sScience once gets planted here.

Please kindly thank Mrs Leavett for me, she is a christian spirit, showed her interest at the west, by remembering us each day for the past month. I feel she has enabled me to escape much. as all my patients have steadily improved from the first. Accept my love & earnest wish for the best of success in next class.

Mrs S. J. Sawyer.
809 Grand Ave.

P.S. I forgot to say just as Dr thought his Dental practise Corrected: practice was disposed of. the young man recieved Corrected: received a letter of dangerous sickness of an uncle, which would call him east. so business matters are still unsettled. then the const [?] Unclear or illegible ant importunities of Mrs Silsbee. kept us on the "ragged edge" (metaphorsically speaking) I feel you will take in the situation and judge accordingly

Yours sincerely Mrs S. J. S.

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin hemorrhoids Chicago, Illinois Boston, Massachusetts